{{Infobox cinema market
| name = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
| image =
| image_size =
| alt =
| caption =
| screens = <!-- <ref name=screens_uis>{{cite web|title=Table 8: Cinema Infrastructure - Capacity|url=http://stats.uis.unesco.org/unesco/TableViewer/tableView.aspx?ReportId=5542|publisher=UNESCO Institute for Statistics|accessdate=5 November 2013}}</ref> -->
| screens_per_capita = <!-- per 100,000 <ref name=screens_uis/> -->
| distributors = <!-- {{br separated entries|entry1|entry2|entry3}} <ref name=distributors_uis>{{cite web|title=Table 6: Share of Top 3 distributors (Excel)|url=http://stats.uis.unesco.org/unesco/ReportFolders/reportFolders.aspx|publisher=UNESCO Institute for Statistics|accessdate=5 November 2013}}</ref> -->
| produced_year =
| produced_ref = <!-- <ref name=production_uis>{{cite web|title=Table 1: Feature Film Production - Genre/Method of Shooting|url=http://stats.uis.unesco.org/unesco/TableViewer/tableView.aspx?ReportId=5545|publisher=UNESCO Institute for Statistics|accessdate=5 November 2013}}</ref> -->
| produced_total =
| produced_fictional =
| produced_animated =
| produced_documentary =
| admissions_year =
| admissions_ref = <!-- <ref name=adm_gross_uis>{{cite web|title=Table 11: Exhibition - Admissions & Gross Box Office (GBO)|url=http://stats.uis.unesco.org/unesco/TableViewer/tableView.aspx?ReportId=5538|publisher=UNESCO Institute for Statistics|accessdate=5 November 2013}}</ref> -->
| admissions_total =
| admissions_per_capita =
| admissions_national =
| box_office_year =
| box_office_ref = <!-- <ref name=adm_gross_uis/> -->
| box_office_total = <!-- ${{Format price| }} -->
| box_office_national = <!-- ${{Format price| }} -->
| footnotes =
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