The illustration! To me the specimen shown in the photograph does not look like Phycodrys rubens! It looks like Phyllophora crispa (Hudson) Dixon. In fact I'm fairly sure there is an error here!Osborne 21:26, 14 November 2018 (UTC)

@Osborne: It's labelled as P{hyllophora) rubens; I can understand that being now incorrect if P. crispa was split out from P. rubens (or split out from another species that was in turn split from P. rubens). Do you know if that is the case? Are there any images at commons:Category:Phycodrys_rubens that are correctly identified? Plantdrew (talk) 22:03, 14 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]

You may wish to look at Osborne 16:40, 16 November 2018 (UTC)

I have just re-read your note giving a good series of images of P.rubens. Some are quite good and useful, others are quite good of Phyllophora crispa. How is it best for me to identify the images I think best? If you wish I will of course leave it up to you use and incorporate as you think best.Osborne 15:08, 9 December 2018 (UTC)

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