^"Maturität - Maturité - Maturità" (official site) (in German, French, and Italian). Berne, Switzerland: Swiss Federal State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, SERI. 1 March 2018. Retrieved 2018-04-22.
^ abcNot approved as Gymnasium (upper secondary education) by the bureau for gymnasial and vocational education MBA (Mittelschul- und Berufsbildungsamt MBA), administration for education (Erziehungsdirektion), canton of Berne
^Not approved neither as Volksschule (Kindergarten, primary and lower secondary education), nor as Mittelschule by the administration of education (Erziehungsdirektion), canton of Basel-Stadt
^Not approved as Mittelschule (upper secondary education) by the bureau for gymnasial education (Amt für Mittelschulen), department of education (Bildungsdepartement), canton of St. Gallen
^Not approved as Sekundarstufe II (upper secondary education) by the bureau for gymnasial and pedagogic education (Amt für Mittelschulen und Pädagogische Hochschule), administration for education (Bildungsdirektion), canton of Zug
^ abcdefNot approved as Mittelschule by the bureau for gymnasial and vocational education (Mittelschul- und Berufsbildungsamt), administration of education (Bildungsdirektion), canton of Zürich.
Italian international schools
Schools with "statale" in their name are owned and operated by the Italian government. Others are private schools. Schools with asterisks (*) are not recognised by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Italian schools.
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