Rabbi Raphael Delouya (born on the 2nd of Elul, 5739, 1979) is an rabbi Israeli, founder and secretary-general of the Association of Western Rabbis, head of the rabbinical court at Giyur Kahalacha, publicist, public figure, cantor and poet.
He was born and raised in Paris. In his childhood, he participated in a cantorial course led by the cantor Elisha Birtogo, and from a young age, he has served as a cantor and poet. In his youth, he studied at the 'Center of Torah' yeshiva headed by Rabbi Yaakov Toledano. In Elul 5755 (1995), he immigrated to Israel, and a year later, he studied at Yeshivat Birkat Moshe in Maale Adumim. He completed his military service in the Hesder program - and enlisted in the Givati Brigade. Since 1999, he has resided in Har Bracha. In 2004, he completed his academic studies, and he holds a master's degree in economics and business administration.[1]
In 2010, he founded the 'Ohel Yitzchak' synagogue in the name of Rabbi Yitzchak Delouya, in Har Bracha, and he serves as the community rabbi. In 2011, he launched the Library of the Sages of the West in the synagogue. Since 2015, he has published hundreds of lessons dealing with the heritage of the worldview and rulings of the Sages of the West on the YouTube website. Rabbi Delouya also performed and published hundreds of cantorial pieces and poems on various websites.[2]
In 2018, he founded the 'Association of Western Rabbis in Israel'[3] together with Rabbi Yehuda Shlush. The purpose of the association is to publish and clarify the Torah and worldview of the sages of North African Jewry. Since the establishment of the association, various opinion articles and halakhic rulings have been published, such as the 'Zoom Ruling' given in 2020, according to which it is permissible for elderly and isolated patients to conduct the Passover Seder using Zoom or any similar software, the permit was given exceptionally and temporarily for the year 2020 only.[4]
Since 2019, he has served as a judge in the Giyur Kahalacha network of rabbinical courts. In 2020, he joined the Tzohar Rabbinical Organization, and he serves as rabbi on behalf of the organization.[5]
In Cheshvan 5781, he published that the phenomenon of boycotts against rabbis is 'halakhic terror'. In doing so, he harshly criticized rabbis who called to boycott Rabbi Eliezer Melamed.[6]
In Tevet 5782, he defended the conversion reform law led by the then Minister of Religious Affairs Matan Kahana, and argued that there is no fear of a halakhic breach within the framework of the law.[7] He also argued that the storm surrounding this law is political and not halakhic.[8] In Av 5782, he published an article stating that the tradition of the rabbis of the Abuhatzeira family is to be lenient in conversion in order to prevent assimilation.[9] This article was criticized by Rabbi Uri Bezalel Fisher,[10] and later Rabbi Maor Kayim joined in defending Rabbi Delouya's article.[11]
Rabbi Delouya holds the view that ascending to the Temple Mount is permissible according to halakha and should be encouraged.[12] In doing so, he ascended to the Temple Mount several times with the Association of Western Rabbis.[13]
In Sivan 5780 (2020) he published that it is permissible according to halakha to turn on electricity on Yom Tov for the purpose of food preparation, and he criticized some rabbis who in his opinion belittled rabbis who permit it.[14] In Adar 5783, after the attack and riots in Huwwara, and following the initiative to raise funds for the residents of the village, he stated that donating to Huwara is foolishness.[15]
On the twentieth anniversary of the death of Rabbi Shalom Messas, he published an article about Rabbi Messas's approach, and about the role of a rabbi in Israel. In his opinion, a rabbi in Israel should be connected and admired by all segments of the population, regardless of their views and opinions.[16]
In Elul 5783, he argued that in practice most Sephardic Jews were accustomed to eating meat classified as 'kosher,' and therefore consuming 'glatt kosher' meat is a stringency and not the main law.[17]
Remember the Covenant of the Fathers - Laws and customs of Morocco. The book has been published in three editions (2004, 2010, 2023). He edited the book And Isaac Sowed by his grandfather Rabbi Yitzchak Delouya (2004). He also edited, together with several rabbis, the book series The Divine Presence in the West on the attitude of the Sages of the West to electricity in halakha (part 1, 2022), and to the State of Israel and the Temple Mount (part 2, 2024).
- ^ See the website: Orange Pages
- ^ "The Piyut and Prayer Site," which is part of the National Library of Israel in Jerusalem.
- ^ See here: https://gluya.org/brit-emunim/rabbi-rafael-deloya/
- ^ See: סערת 'פסק הזום': "אנו עומדים על פסיקתנו ועל דעתנו להתיר", באתר סרוגים.
- ^ See: 'Small World' issue number 945.
- ^ See: רב בהר ברכה על המכתב לרב מלמד: "דיקטטורה וטרור הלכתי", באתר מקור ראשון.
- ^ האמת על הגיורים, באתר ערוץ 7.
- ^ סוגיית הגיור – אין באמת ויכוח הלכתי, באתר ערוץ 7.
- ^ מסורת חכמי משפחת אביחצירא: להקל בגיור כדי למנוע התבוללות, באתר ערוץ 7.
- ^ האומר דבר בשם אומרו, באתר ערוץ 7.
- ^ טענו חיטים והודה לו בשעורים - תגובה לרב חיים מרקוביץ', באתר ערוץ 7.
- ^ See: Rabbi Rafael Deloya, 'Ascending to the Temple Mount According to the Wisdom of the Western Sages', in the book: Shekhinah in the West, Part 2 (5784).
- ^ See for example in אתר ערוץ 7.
- ^ הרב רפאל דלויה, על רבני משפחת יוסף: 'לא ירדו לעומק הסברא', באתר סרוגים.
- ^ הרב רפאל דלויה, איסוף ותרומות למען חווארה זה לא מעשה יהודי, זו איוולת, באתר סורגים.
- ^ 20 שנה לפטירתו של הרב שלום משאש: "היה אהוב ונערץ על כל חלקי העם", באתר כיפה.
- ^ בשר חלק על פי מנהג יוצאי ספרד – שורת הדין או חומרא?, באתר ערוץ 7.
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