Wendy Wheeler (9. veebruar 1949 – 25. juuni 2020) oli briti kirjandusteadlane ja semiootik.
Ta oli inglise kirjanduse ja kultuuriuurimise professor Londoni Metropolitani Ülikoolis.
Ta esines 2014. aastal Tartus Uexkülli loenguga.
- A New Modernity? Change in Science, Literature and Politics (1999),
- The Whole Creature: Complexity, Biosemiotics and the Evolution of Culture (2006),
- Expecting the Earth: Life/Culture/Biosemiotics (2016).
- Veebiraamatu Living book on Biosemiotics toimetaja.
- Wheeler, Wendy 2011. The Biosemiotic Turn: Abduction, or, the Nature of Creative Reason in Nature and Culture’. In: A. Goodbody and K. Rigby (eds.), Ecocritical Theory: New European Approaches. Charlottesville VA: Virginia University Press, 2011, pp.270-282.
- Favareau, Donald; Kull, Kalevi; Ostdiek, Gerald; Maran, Timo; Westling, Louise; Cobley, Paul; Stjernfelt, Frederik; Anderson, Myrdene; Tønnessen, Morten; Wheeler, Wendy 2017. How can the study of the humanities inform the study of biosemiotics? Biosemiotics 10(1): 9–31.
- Tüür, Kadri; Maran, Timo 2014. Kust tulevad tähendused? Intervjuu biosemiootik Wendy Wheeleriga. Sirp 17 (2. mai): 7–8. vt
- "Biosemiotics" raamat "Living Books About Life" seeria http://www.livingbooksaboutlife.org/books/Biosemiotics
- J. v. Uexkülli loeng Wendy Wheelerilt.
- Essee: In Other Tounges: Ecologies of Meaning and Loss.
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