Milligan, 2015

Tony Milligan (sündinud 1966) on Briti filosoof. Ta tegeleb normatiivse eetika, rakenduseetika ja poliitikateooriaga.

Ta töötab Londoni King's College'is. Varem töötas ta Aberdeeni Ülikoolis ja Hertfordshire'i Ülikoolis.


Teispool loomaõigusi: toit, lemmikloomad ja eetika

"Beyond Animal Rights: Food, Pets and Ethics" (2010) on raamat inimeste suhetest teiste loomadega, põhiliselt loomsete saaduste toitmise ja tarbimisega seotud küsimusi. Milligan kaalub loomade kohtlemise ja nendest mõtlemise viiside kontekstist sõltuvaid põhjendeid. Ta kaalub loomade heaolu, kultuurilisi praktikaid, keskkonnakaalutlusi, isiklikku moraali ja juhuslikke asjaolusid, et teha kindlaks, kas loomade kasutamine toiduks on moraalselt õigustatud. Ta hindab tuntumate selle vastu toodavate argumentide jõudu empiiriliselt, normatiivselt ja teoreetiliselt. Milligan jõuab järeldusele, et laias laastus ning kindlasti külluse puhul ei ole see õigustatud, ent on ka kontekste, kus see on õigustatud ja põhjendeid, mis seda õigustavad.


 Pikemalt artiklis Love (Milligan)

"Love" (2011) on ülevaade armastuse filosoofilistest küsimustest.

Armastus pimedatel aegadel: Iris Murdoch avatusest ja tühjusest

 Pikemalt artiklis Love in dark times: Iris Murdoch on openness and the void

Artiklis "Love in dark times: Iris Murdoch on openness and the void" (2014) väidab Milligan, et armastus on moraalselt lubatav pääsetee tühjusest isegi leina ajal.


  • Iris Murdoch's Mortal Asymmetry. – Philosophical Investigations, 2007, 30, 2, lk 156–171
  • Lockean Puzzles. – Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2007, 41, 3, lk 351–361
  • Mortality and the Other. – Mortality, 2007, 12, 3, lk 304–311. 8 p.
  • Murdochian Humility. – Religious Studies, 43, 2, lk 217–228
  • Whimsical Desires. – Ratio, 20, 3, lk 308–319.
  • False Emotions. – Philosophy, 2008, 83, 2, lk 213–230
  • Dependent Companions. – Journal of Applied Philosophy, 2009, 26, 4, lk. 402–413
  • Beyond Animal Rights: Food, Pets and Ethics, Continuum: London & New York 2010
  • Exile from Perfection in Iris Murdoch's Philosophical Texts. – Heythrop Journal, 2010, 51, 1, lk 22–33
  • Suffering and Contentment. – Roberts, S. & Scott-Bowmann, A. (toim). Iris Murdoch and the Moral Imagination, Jeferson, North Carolina 2010.
  • Love, Acumen Publishing: Basingstoke 2011.
  • The Wrongness of Sex with Animals. – Public Affairs Quarterly, 2011, 25, 3, lk 241–255.
  • Property Rights and the Duty to Extend Human Life. – Space Policy, 2011, 27, 4, lk 190–193, 2011.
  • Speciesism as a Variety of Anthropocentrism. – Boddice, R. (toim). Anthropocentrism: Humans, Animals, Environments, Brill: Leiden and Boston 2011.
  • Iris Murdoch and the Borders of Analytic Philosophy. – Ratio, 25, 2, lk 164–176.
  • Murdoch and Derrida: Holding Hands Under the Table. – Rowe, A. & Horner, A. (toim). Iris Murdoch: Texts and Contexts, Palgrave Macmillan: London and New York 2012, lk 77–90.
  • Satyagraha and Open Animal Rescue, 2013.
  • Civil Disobedience: Protest, Justification and the Law, Bloomsbury Academic: New York 176.
  • Scratching the Surface: The Ethics of Mining Helium-3. – Procs of the 8th IAA Symposium on the Future of Space Exploration: Towards the Stars, International Academy of Astronautics 2013
  • The Duplication of Love's Reasons. – Philosophical Explorations, 2013, 16, 3, lk 315–323
  • Valuing Love and Valuing the Self. – Convivium, Revista di Filosofia 2013.
  • Love in dark times: Iris Murdoch on openness and the void. – Religious Studies, 2014, 50, 01, lk 87–100.
  • Animals and the Capacity for Love. – Maurer, C., Milligan, T. & Pacovska, K. (toim). Love and its Objects, Palgrave Macmillan: London and New York 2014
  • Civility and Politicized Love in Gandhi. – Religions of South Asia, 2014.
  • Emotion. – Segal, R. (toim). The Blackwell Companion to the Study of Religion, 2. trükk, Blackwell Publishing: Oxford 2014.
  • Fear of Freedom: The Legacy of Arendt and Ballard's Space Skepticism. – Cockell, C. (toim). Liberty in Space, Springer: Heidelberg, London and New York 2014.
  • Iris Murdoch and the Virtue of Courage. – Monteleone, E. (toim). Iris Murdoch and Virtue Ethics: Philosophy and the Novel, 2014.
  • Planetary Mining, Integrity and Containment. – Galliott, J. (toim). Commercial Space Exploration: Ethics, Policy and Governance, Ashgate Publishing:

Farnham and Burlington 2014.

  • Puritanism and Truthfulness in Iris Murdoch's Ethics. – Leuprecht, M. (toim).

Iris Murdoch Connected, Tennessee University Press 2014.

  • The Politicization of Animal Love. – Aaltola, E. & Hadley, J. (toim). Animal Rights and Philosophy, London: Rowman and Littlefield 2014.


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