Sir Roger Vernon Scruton (skruːtən; 27. veebruar 1944 – 12. jaanuar 2020) oli inglise filosoof ja publitsist, kes keskendus esteetikale ja poliitilisele filosoofiale, pooldas parempoolseid, traditsioonilis-konservatiivseid vaateid.[2][3]
Tema konservatiivsete veendumuste väljakujunemisele andsid tugeva tõuke 1968. aastal Pariisi puhkenud vasakpoolseid üliõpilasrahutused, mida linna Ladina kvartalis viibinud Scruton kõrvalt nägi.[4]
2016. aastal lõi kuninganna Elizabeth II Scrutoni haridus-, filosoofia- ja avaliku hariduse edendamise alaste teenete rüütliks.[5]
Teosed ja väljaanded
- Art and Imagination: A Study in the Philosophy of Mind (1974)
- The Aesthetics of Architecture (1979)
- The Meaning of Conservatism (1980)
- The Politics of Culture and Other Essays (1981)
- A Short History of Modern Philosophy (1982)
- A Dictionary of Political Thought (1982)
- The Aesthetic Understanding: Essays in the Philosophy of Art and Culture (1983)
- Kant (1982)
- Untimely Tracts (1985)
- Thinkers of the New Left (1985)
- Sexual Desire: A Moral Philosophy of the Erotic (1986)
- Spinoza (1987)
- A Land Held Hostage: Lebanon and the West (1987)
- Conservative Thinkers: Essays from The Salisbury Review (1988)
- Conservative Thoughts: Essays from The Salisbury Review (1988)
- The Philosopher on Dover Beach: Essays (1990)
- Conservative Texts: An Anthology (toim) (1992)
- Modern Philosophy: An Introduction and Survey (1994)
- The Classical Vernacular: Architectural Principles in an Age of Nihilism (1995)
- An Intelligent Person's Guide to Philosophy (1996); taastrükk pealkirjaga Philosophy: Principles and Problems (2005)
- The Aesthetics of Music (1997)
- On Hunting (1998)
- An Intelligent Person's Guide to Modern Culture (1998); taastrükk pealkirjaga Modern Culture (2005)
- Spinoza (1998); eesti keeles: "Spinoza". Tõlkinud Märt Väljataga. Tallinn: Varrak, 2001
- Animal Rights and Wrongs (2000)
- England: An Elegy (2001)
- The West and the Rest: Globalisation and the Terrorist Threat (2002)
- Death-Devoted Heart: Sex and the Sacred in Wagner's Tristan und Isolde (Oxford University Press, 2004)
- News From Somewhere: On Settling (2004)
- The Need for Nations (2004)
- Gentle Regrets: Thoughts from a Life (Continuum, 2005)
- A Political Philosophy: Arguments for Conservatism (2006)
- Immigration, Multiculturalism and the Need to Defend the Nation State (2006)
- Culture Counts: Faith and Feeling in a World Besieged (Encounter Books, 2007)
- Beauty (2009)
- I Drink Therefore I Am: A Philosopher's Guide to Wine (2009)
- Understanding Music (2009)
- The Uses of Pessimism: And the Danger of False Hope (2010)
- Liberty and Civilization: The Western Heritage (2010)
- Green Philosophy: How to Think Seriously About the Planet (2011); ümbertöötatud trükk pealkirjaga How to Think Seriously About the Planet: The Case for an Environmental Conservatism (2012)
- The Face of God: The Gifford Lectures (2012)
- Our Church: A Personal History of the Church of England (2012)
- The Soul of the World (2014)
- How to Be a Conservative (2014); eesti keeles: "Kuidas olla konservatiiv". Tõlkinud Mart Trummal, toimetanud Joel Sang ja Vivian Siirman, sarja kujundanud Marko Kekišev. Tallinn: EKSA, 2018
- Fools, Frauds and Firebrands: Thinkers of the New Left (2015); eesti keeles: "Tolad, petised ja tülinorijad: uusvasakpoolsed mõtlejad". Tõlkinud Hardo Pajula, toimetanud Joel Sang ja Vivian Siirman, sarja kujundanud Marko Kekišev. Tallinn: EKSA, 2018
- The Ring of Truth: The Wisdom of Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung (2016)
- Conversations with Roger Scruton (2016)
- Where We Are (2017)
- Confessions of a Heretic: Selected Essays (2017)
- On Human Nature (2017)
- Conservatism: An Invitation to the Great Tradition (2017)
- Fortnight's Anger: a novel (1981)
- Francesca: a novel (1991)
- A Dove Descending and Other Stories (1991)
- Xanthippic Dialogues (1993)
- Perictione in Colophon: Reflections of the Aesthetic Way of Life (2000)
- Notes from Underground (2014)
- The Disappeared (2015)
- Souls in the Twilight: Stories of Loss (2018)
- The Minister (1994).
- Violet (2005)
- Why Beauty Matters (BBC Two, 2009)
Teoseid eesti keeles
- Phillipe Bénéton, Chantal Delsol, Roger Scruton, Robert Spaemann. "Pariisi manifest: Euroopa, millesse me usume = The Paris Statement: A Europe We Can Believe In". Tallinn: Sihtasutus Perekonna ja Traditsiooni Kaitseks, 2018
- ↑ Day, Barbara (1999). The Velvet Philosophers. London: The Claridge Press. 281–82.
- ↑ Cowling, Maurice. Mill and Liberalism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990, xxix.
- ↑ Garnett, Mark; Hickson, Kevin. Conservative thinkers: The key contributors to the political thought of the modern Conservative Party, Oxford University Press, 2013, 113–115.
- ↑ Nicholas Wroe (28. oktoober 2000). "Thinking for England | Books". The Guardian (inglise). Vaadatud 2. detsembril 2022.
- ↑ The London Gazette: (supplement) nr 61608. lk B2. 11 juuni 2016.
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