"Gesta Danorum" ("Taanlaste vägiteod") on Taani ajaloo alane töö, mille koostas 12. sajandil Saxo Grammaticus. Seda peetakse üheks parimaks allikaks Taani, Eestimaa ja Liivimaa viikingiaja kohta.
- On-Line Medieval and Classical History: The Danish History books I-IX, translated by Oliver Elton (Norroena Society, New York, 1905)."His seven later books are the chief Danish authority for the times which they relate; his first nine, here translated, are a treasure of myth and folk-lore" (Elton, Introduction).
- Gesta Danorum in Latin
- One of the versions in the Danish Royal Library
- Proverbs and proverbial materials in Saxo's Gesta Danorum
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