TELEMACHUS, in Greek legend (Odyssey i.–iv., xv.–xxiv.; Hyginus, Fab. 127), son of Odysseus and Penelope. When he reached manhood, he visited Pylos and Sparta to make inquiries about his father, who had been absent for nearly twenty years. On his return, he found that Odysseus had reached home before him. Then father and son, aided by Eumaeus and Philoetius, slew or drove out the suitors of Penelope (see Odysseus). According to later tradition, Telemachus became the husband of Circe and by her the father of Latinus and of a daughter Roma, afterwards the wife of Aeneas. In another story, he married a daughter of Circe, named Cassiphone; having slain his mother-in-law in a quarrel, he was himself killed by his wife. This is the only notice of the death of Telemachus. The foundation of Clusium in Etruria was attributed to him.
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