The Tanet name, which is a very unique Celtic origin, came from the rugged landscape of Wales. This Brythonic Celtic name is from the name Danet. This name is formed through the addition of the diminutive prefix -et to Dan, which is a pet form of the personal name Daniel. The initial D of the name was often sharpened to T, giving rise to the surname Tanet.
The name seems to be Celtic in origin, coming from the Brittonic *tanets (cf. Welsh tân) meaning "fire" and Old Breton tanet "aflame", possibly a reference to a beacon. (cf. Isle of Thanet)
Toponymic tanouët meaning oak grove, tann-eto in Common Brittonic. The name is derived from tannum (oakbark) used in the tanning of leather.[1] Breton tannen "oak".
First found in Shropshire where they were anciently seated as Lords of the Manor of Abertanat.
The name 'Tanet' is corruption of the Celtic tan-arth "high fire", suggesting a lighthouse or beacon
Par ordonnance du 11 septembre 1822, une partie de la commune, comprenant le village de la Corderie, le faubourg de Kerveno, une partie du village de Crec'h-Tanet « le sommet enflammé : krec'h (Kra, crec'h ou cnec'h)=haut, mont, côte, colline, montée, tertre, éminence et tan=feu» et du faubourg de Portz-an-Prat, a été incorporée à la commune de Lannion
The surname is also found in irishsept of Ó Tanaidhe (TANNY, TANNAY, TANNEY, TANNIE, TANEY) part of the Clan Drugain (Tanaide, Tanaidhe, Tanaí (TAWN-ee/TAHN ee) meaning slender, subtle)
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