This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Cetus, sorted by decreasing brightness.

See also


  1. ^ a b c d E.B Knobel – On a catalogue of stars in the Calendarium of Al Achsasi Al Mouakket
  2. ^ a b c d e Consisting with θ Cet, η Cet (Deneb Algenubi), ζ Cet (Baten Kaitos), and υ Cet, were Al Naʽāmāt, the Hen Ostriches See Star Names, R.H. Allen, p. 160
  3. ^ a b c d e η Cet as Aoul al Naamat or Prima Struthionum (the first ostrich), θ Cet as Thanih al Naamat or Secunda Struthionum (the second ostrich), τ Cet as Thalath al Naamat or Tertia Struthionum (the third ostrich), and ζ Cet as Rabah al Naamat or Quarta Struthionum (the fourth ostrich). υ Cet should be Khamis al Naamat or Quinta Struthionum (the fifth ostrich) consistently, but Al Achsasi al Mouakket designated the title the fifth ostrich to γ Gam with uncleared consideration.
  4. ^ "Mexico". NameExoWorlds. Retrieved 2020-03-13.
  5. ^ "Cuba". NameExoWorlds. Retrieved 2020-03-13.
  6. ^ "Tanzania". NameExoWorlds. Retrieved 2020-03-13.
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