Kaja Kallas British Flower-class corvette For other ships with the same name, see HMS Heather. HMS Heather was a Flower-class corvette of the Royal Navy. References ^ a b c McCluskie, Tom (2013). The Rise and Fall of Harland and Wolff. Stroud: The History Press. p. 148. ISBN 9780752488615. Flower-class corvettesOriginal ships Free French Naval Forces Aconit Alysse Commandant d'Estienne d'Orves Commandant Detroyat Commandant Drogou La Bastiaise Lobelia Mimosa Renoncule Roselys Royal Canadian Navy Agassiz Alberni Algoma Amherst Arrowhead Arvida Baddeck Barrie Battleford Bittersweet Brandon Brantford Buctouche Calgary Camrose Chambly Chicoutimi Chilliwack Cobalt Collingwood Dauphin Dawson Drumheller Dundas Dunvegan Edmundston Eyebright Fennel Fredericton Galt Halifax Hepatica Kamloops Kamsack Kenogami Kitchener La Malbaie Lethbridge Levis Louisburg Lunenburg Matapedia Mayflower Midland Moncton Moose Jaw Morden Nanaimo Napanee New Westminster Oakville Orillia Pictou Port Arthur Prescott Quesnel Regina Rimouski Rosthern Sackville Saskatoon Shawinigan Shediac Sherbrooke Snowberry Sorel Spikenard Sudbury Summerside The Pas Timmins Trail Trillium Vancouver Ville de Quebec Wetaskiwin Weyburn Windflower Woodstock Hellenic Navy Apostolis Kriezis Sachtouris Tombazis Royal Navy Abelia Acanthus Aconite Alisma Alyssum Amaranthus Anchusa Anemone Arabis Arbutus Armeria Arrowhead Asphodel Aster Aubrietia Auricula Azalea Balsam Begonia Bellwort Bergamot Bittersweet Bluebell Borage Bryony Burdock Buttercup Calendula Camellia Campanula Campion Candytuft Carnation Celandine Chrysanthemum Clarkia Clematis Clover Coltsfoot Columbine Convolvulus Coreopsis Coriander Cowslip Crocus Cyclamen Dahlia Delphinium Dianella Dianthus Eglantine Erica Eyebright Fennel Fleur de Lys Freesia Fritillary Gardenia Genista Gentian Geranium Gladiolus Gloriosa Gloxinia Godetia Godetia Harebell Heartsease Heather Heliotrope Hemlock Hepatica Hibiscus Hollyhock Honeysuckle Hyacinth Hyderabad Hydrangea Ivy Jasmine Jonquil Kingcup La Malouine Larkspur Lavender Ling Lobelia Loosestrife Lotus Lotus Mallow Marguerite Marigold Marjoram Mayflower Meadowsweet Mignonette Mimosa Monkshood Montbretia Myosotis Narcissus Nasturtium Nigella Orchis Oxlip Pennywort Pentstemon Peony Periwinkle Petunia Picotee Pimpernel Pink Polyanthus Poppy Potentilla Primrose Primula Ranonculus Rhododendron Rockrose Rose Salvia Samphire Saxifrage Snapdragon Snowberry Snowdrop Snowflake Spikenard Spiraea Starwort Stonecrop Sundew Sunflower Sweetbriar Tamarisk Thyme Trillium Tulip Verbena Veronica Vervain Vetch Violet Wallflower Windflower Woodruff Zinnia Royal Netherlands Navy Friso Royal Norwegian Navy Andenes Nordkyn Eglantine Montbretia Polarfront II Potentilla Rose South African Navy Protea United States NavyTemptress class Courage Fury Impulse Ready Restless Saucy Spry Surprise Temptress Tenacity Royal Navy Belgian Section Godetia Buttercup Kriegsmarine PA 1 PA 2 PA 3 PA 4 Modified ships Royal Canadian Navy Asbestos Atholl Beauharnois Belleville Brampton Charlottetown Cobourg Fergus Forest Hill Frontenac Giffard Guelph Hawkesbury Ingersoll Lachute Lindsay Listowel Long Branch Louisburg Meaford Merrittonia Mimico Norsyd North Bay Owen Sound Parry Sound Peterborough Renfrew Riviere du Loup Smiths Falls St. Lambert Stellarton Strathroy Thorlock Trentonian West York Whitby Royal Indian Navy Assam Gondwana Sind Royal Navy Arabis Arbutus Balm Betony Buddleia Bugloss Bullrush Burnet Candytuft Ceanothos Charlock Comfrey Cornel Dittany Flax Honesty Linaria Mandrake Milfoil Musk Nepeta Privet Rosebay Smilax Statice Willowherb Royal New Zealand Navy Arabis Arbutus United States NavyAction class Action Alacrity Beacon Brisk Caprice Clash Haste Intensity Might Pert Prudent Splendor Tact Vim Vitality Argentine Navy Capitán Cánepa República No tags for this post. Navigeerimine Jüri RatasMerle Parts
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