Text Appearing Before Image: ove with a young shepherd, who kept his flocksbeside a creek much frequented by these marine people. She frequently caressedhim, and brought him presents of coral, fine pearls, and every valuable productionof the ocean. Once upon a time, as she threw her arms eagerly round him, hesuspected her of a design to draw him into the sea, and, struggling hard, disengagedhimself from her embrace, and ran away. But the mermaid resented either the sus-picion, or the disappointment, so highly, that she threw a stone after him, and flungherself into the sea, whence she never returned. The youth, though but slightlystruck with the pebble, felt, from that moment, the most excruciating agony, anddied at the end of seven days. In Ireland, stories of the mermaid—there calledthe Merrow—are very abundant; we have conversed with many of the peasantswho would readily depose, upon oath, to having repeatedly seen them; and there, aswell as elsewhere, they are always encountered Combing their yellow hair. Text Appearing After Image: n
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