Text Appearing Before Image: citywas second only to Rome in size andimportance, and was the chief seat ofChristian theology. It was conqueredby the Saracens under Caliph Omarabout A. D. 640, when it began to decline.The rising importance of Constanti-nople, and the discovery of an oceanpassage to India by way of Cape GoodHope, contributed to its further ruin,until it was reduced from a prosperouscity of half a million to a poor villageof only 5000 to 6000 inhabitants. Theplan of Alexandria on the next page istaken from Fairbairns Imperial Dic-tionary of the Bible. Present Condition.—It is now an im-portant city of 240,000 inhabitants (in-cluding 50,000 Franks), and is connectedwith Cairo by a railway, and also withSuez, on the Red Sea. The city has anew artificial harbor with a breakwatertwo miles long. Among the ancientmonuments to be seen are the Cata-combs, the Column of Diocletian, 94feet high and named Pompeys Pil-lar—not from the famous Pompey, butfrom a Roman prefect who erected the ALE ALL ALEXANDRIA Text Appearing After Image: column in honor of the emperor Diocle-tian—and one of the two obelisks orNeedles of Cleopatra, which, however,belong to the time of the Pharaohs andwere brought from Heliopolis. One wastransferred to London in 187S, and nowadorns the embankment of the Thames;the other is to be removed to the city ofNew York (18S0). ALEXANDRIANS. Acts 6 : 9.Jews from Alexandria at Jerusalem,where they had a synagogue by them-selves, or perhaps the Libertines andCyrenians worshipped with them. ALGUM. See Almug. ALIAH (wickedness). See Alvah. ALIAN (tall). 1 Chr. 1 : 40. SeeAlvax. ALIEN. See Stranger. ALLEGORY. Gal. 4:24. A fig-ure of speech, nearly resembling theparable or fable, common in the Scrip-tures and among all Oriental nations.It properly means a figurative speechwhich, under the literal sense of thewords, conveys a deeper spiritual mean-ing. But the literal or historic senseis not necessarily denied. Paul givestwo examples of allegorical interpreta- tion—the rock in the wilderness ofwhich
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