Yrjö Hakanen (born 24 August 1952) is a Finnish politician who served as chairman of the Finnish Communist Party from 1994 to 2013.[1]

Hakanen has a master’s degree in Political Science from the University of Helsinki. He worked as a journalist while becoming active in the Communist Party of Finland in the 1970's. He became leader of the party in 1994, and stepped down in 2013.[2][3]

Hakanen was elected to the Helsinki City Council in 2004 as the party’s sole member. He was re-elected again in the years of 2008 and 2012.[4]

Hakanen lives in Helsinki and is married with two adult children.[4] He speaks Finnish, English, and Swedish.


  1. ^ Hakanen, Yrjö; Tuomi, Emmi, eds. (2008). "Poliittinen kalenteri: SKP:n hajotuksesta puolueen uudelleenrekisteröintiin" [Political Calendar: From SKP's Dissolution to Reregistration]. Kolme kirjainta: SKP:n yhdeksän vuosikymmentä [Three Letters: Nine Decades of SKP]. TA-Tieto. pp. 154–164. ISBN 978-952-99418-8-9.
  2. ^ STT (10 May 2013). "Yrjö Hakanen ei jatka SKP:n johdossa" [Yrjö Hakanen to not Continue as Head of SKP]. Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish).
  3. ^ Leppänen, Veli-Pekka (13 August 2022). "Marxilaisuus ja Skp tekivät Yrjö Hakasesta kommunistin - Neuvostoliiton kaatuminen oli hänelle pettymys: "Siinä menetettiin uudenlaisen sosialismin vaihtoehto"" [Marxism and SKP made Yrjö Hakanen into a Communist - The Fall of the Soviet Union was a Disappointment: "A Chance for a New Type of Socialism was Lost]. Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish).
  4. ^ a b Hakanen, Yrjö. "English". yrjohakanen.fi.
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