Serdtse ty moё (Russian: Сердце ты моё) is a studio album recorded by Sofia Rotaru in Germany in 2007. It was released for sale exclusively in Germany. Therefore, songs 1 through 5 (You Are My Heart, What's the Heart's Weather, Do Not Love, One in the World, Blizzard) and 18 (Blizzard) remain officially not released in Eastern Europe[where?]. This was a long waited album with new recent hits, namely yet unreleased, although aired in top radio charts, songs in Eastern Europe[where?].
Track listing
# | English title | Original language title | Time |
1. | “You Are My Heart” Writer(s): Producer(s): |
Russian: Serdtse ty moe/Сердце ты моё | |
2. | “What's the Heart's Weather” Writer(s): Producer(s): |
Russian: Kakaya na serdtse pogoda/Какая на сердце погода | |
3. | “Do Not Love” Writer(s): Producer(s): |
Russian: Ne lyubi/Не люби | |
4. | “One In the World” Writer(s): Producer(s): |
Russian: Odin Na Svete/Один на свете | |
5. | “Blizzard” Writer(s): Producer(s): |
Russian: Viyuga/Вьюга | |
6. | “I Loved Him” Writer(s): Valery Meladze Producer(s): Sofia Rotaru |
Russian: Ya zhe Ego Lyubila/Я же его любила | |
7. | “On the Shore of Our First Love” Writer(s): Producer(s): |
Russian: Na Beregu Nashei Pervoi Lyubvi/На берегу нашей первой любви | |
8. | “White Dance” Writer(s): Producer(s): |
Russian: Belyi Tanets/Белый танец | |
9. | “Septembered” Writer(s): Producer(s): |
Russian: Zasentyabrilo/Засентябрило | |
10. | “Taste of Love” Writer(s): Producer(s): |
Russian: Vkus Lyubvi/Вкус любви | |
11. | “Night Moth” Writer(s): Producer(s): |
Russian: Nochnoy Motylyok/Ночной мотылёк | |
12. | “Small Town Girl” Writer(s): Producer(s): |
Russian: Khutoryanka/Хуторянка | |
13. | “Lavender” Writer(s): Producer(s): |
Russian: Lavanda/Лаванда | |
14. | “Moon” Writer(s): Producer(s): |
Russian: Luna/Луна | |
15. | “I Still Love You” Writer(s): Producer(s): |
Russian: Ya Tebya Po-Prezhnemu Lyublyu/Я тебя по-прежнему люблю | |
16. | “It Was, But It Is Gone” Writer(s): Producer(s): |
Russian: Bylo, No Proshlo/Было, но прошло | |
17. | “Caravan of Love” Writer(s): Producer(s): |
Russian: Karavan Lyubvi/Караван любви | |
18. | “Autumn Flowers” Writer(s): Producer(s): |
Russian: Osennie Tsvety/Осенние цветы | |
19. | “Wild Swans” Writer(s): Producer(s): |
Russian: Dikie Lebedi/Дикие лебеди |
Languages of performance
All songs are performed in Russian language.
Production and technical details
See also
- You Are My Heart - song
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