Road signs in Russia are governed by the traffic rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1090 of 23 October 1993 "On the Rules of the Road", Appendix 1 "Road Signs".[1] They are regulated by the ГОСТ Р 52289-2019[2] and ГОСТ Р 52290-2004[3] standards determining the rules for the use and production of road signs. The vast majority of road signs used in Russia were in the preceding Soviet standard ГОСТ 10807-78,[4][5] which was introduced in the Soviet Union on 1 January 1980 before its dissolution in 1991 and is no longer valid in Russia since 1 January 2006 after it was replaced by the modern standard ГОСТ Р 52290-2004 for road signs.[6] Road signs generally conform to the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals. Similar road signs are also used in other post-Soviet states.
The state importance roads have different indexes, each stand for the respective letter of Cyrillic.[7]
Index | Examples | Russian meaning | Meaning |
M | ![]() ![]() |
Москва | The М index indicates roads connecting the capital city Moscow with other major cities of Russia (previously used to denote any major road passing through several regions and cities) |
P | ![]() |
Регион | The Р index indicates roads connecting administrative centers of the regions |
А | ![]() |
Автомагистраль | The А index indicates roads connecting major cities to prominent transportation hubs (railway stations, sea ports, river crossings, airports), objects of socio-cultural significance, border checkpoints, or other federal highways. |
E | ![]() |
Европейский | The E index indicates European routes passing through Russia |
AH | ![]() |
Азиатский | The AH index indicates Asian routes passing through Russia[8] |
The official typeface of road signs in Russia is specified in the ГОСТ Р 52290-2004 standard, formerly the ГОСТ 10807-78 Soviet standard. However, Arial is often used on road signs instead of one specified in the ГОСТ Р 52290-2004.
According to the ГОСТ Р 52290-2004 standard, modern road signs in Russia are divided into 8 categories:
# | Category name | Category name (in Russian) |
1 | Warning signs | Предупреждающие знаки |
2 | Priority signs | Знаки приоритета |
3 | Prohibitory signs | Запрещающие знаки |
4 | Mandatory signs | Предписывающие знаки |
5 | Special regulations signs | Знаки особых предписаний |
6 | Information signs | Информационные знаки |
7 | Service signs | Знаки сервиса |
8 | Additional signs (plates) | Знаки дополнительной информации (таблички) |
The world's first road signs were approved at an international conference of motorists in 1909; among the participants were the Russian Empire. There were four road signs of that time and all of them were round: "uneven surface", "crossroads", "bends", and "railway crossing". New road signs and signals were officially adopted already in the USSR on 1 December 1927. In 1933, the number of road signs in the USSR was increased to 23 and they received the current shapes and colours, and for the first time they were divided into three categories: "warning", "prohibition" and "indicative". The following changes and additions regarding road signs were adopted on 1 January 1961, after the USSR joined the Geneva Convention on Road Traffic in 1959. The number of road signs has increased to 36. All signs received a yellow background. In 1968, the Convention on Road Traffic and Road Signs and Signals was created in Vienna. On 8 November 1968, the Soviet Union signed the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals, and on 7 June 1974 ratified it.[9][10] The Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals was issued in all 6 official languages of the United Nations, including Russian, due to the fact that the Russian Federation (until December 1991 the Soviet Union) is a permanent member of the UN Security Council. New rules of the road, as well as road signs adopted by this convention, entered into force in the USSR in 1973. Subsequently, changes and additions to the rules of the road, road signs and signals were made in 1975, 1976, 1979, 1980, 1984 and 1987.[11]
Currently, the most common signs are made on a metal substrate covered with a reflective film. Signs that are illuminated around the perimeter or along the contour of the image of the sign, made using miniature incandescent lamps or LEDs, have become slightly widespread.
On 1 January 2006, the modern standard ГОСТ Р 52290-2004 for road signs was introduced in Russia, completely replacing the Soviet standard ГОСТ 10807-78.[6] New road signs were introduced in the ГОСТ Р 52290-2004 standard:
- Three new warning signs:
- A new prohibitory sign "Control" (Russian: Контроль) prohibiting passage without stopping at checkpoints is used instead of a stop sign.
- Images of mandatory signs "Turn right" (Russian: Движение направо) and "Turn left" (Russian: Движение налево) modified by replacing straight arrows used during the Soviet era with 90-degree ones. An approximately similar situation occurred in Belarus, when the standard СТБ 1140-99 was amended.
- A new category "Special regulations signs" (Russian: Знаки особых предписаний) with new road signs:
- "Number of lanes" (Russian: Число полос);
- "Restricted parking zone" (Russian: Зона с ограничением стоянки);
- "End of restricted parking zone" (Russian: Конец зоны с ограничением стоянки);
- "Regulated parking zone" (Russian: Зона регулируемой стоянки);
- "End of regulated parking zone" (Russian: Конец зоны регулируемой стоянки);
- "Maximum speed limit zone" (Russian: Зона с ограничением максимальной скорости);
- "End of maximum speed limited zone" (Russian: Конец зоны с ограничением максимальной скорости);
- "Pedestrian zone" (Russian: Пешеходная зона);
- "End of the pedestrian zone" (Russian: Конец пешеходной зоны).
- A new sign indicating general speed limits in Russia (Russian: Общие ограничения максимальной скорости) introduced.
- New service road signs "Reception area of a radio station transmitting traffic information" (Russian: Зона приема радиостанции, передающей информацию о дорожном движении) and "Radio communication area with emergency services" (Russian: Зона радиосвязи с аварийными службами) were introduced in connection with the development of mobile radio communications in Russia.
- New additional signs (tables) indicating various obstacles on the road (refuge islands, traffic islands, etc.).
In June 2018, in connection with the preparations for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, a new prohibition road sign "No buses allowed" (Russian: Движение автобусов запрещено) was introduced. This sign was used as a temporary sign from 1 June to 17 July 2018 during the 2018 FIFA World Cup and after the end of the World Cup, the sign was retired.[12][13] However, from 1 March 2023, this sign was reintroduced, but now on a permanent basis.[14] This is due to changes in the Rules of the Road in Russia that came into force on 1 March 2023, in particular, the speed limit for buses was introduced.[15]
In February 2019, the traffic police supported proposals for the introduction of reduced road signs, the idea was initiated by the Moscow government. They are planned to be installed throughout Russia after a successful experiment. The allowable size of signs will be reduced to 40 cm (16 inches) in diameter, and in some cases to 35 cm (14 inches), which is almost half the current standard of 60 cm (24 inches).[16]
On 1 March 2023, a new prohibition road sign "No personal mobility devices"[17] (Russian: Движение на средствах индивидуальной мобильности запрещено) was introduced.[18] It prohibits personal mobility devices such as electric scooters, electric skateboards, hoverboards, or segways. Earlier in October 2022, a similar sign prohibiting the movement of electric scooters was introduced in Belarus due to changes in the traffic rules of Belarus, which came into force on 27 October 2022.[19]
Dimensions (mm)
Road signs shall be manufactured in four sizes: I (small), II (normal), III (large), and IV (very large).[20]
Warning signs
1.1 Railway crossing with barriers
1.2 Railway crossing without barriers
1.3.1 Single-track railway
1.3.2 Multi-track railway
1.4.1 Approaching a railway crossing
1.4.2 Approaching a railway crossing
1.4.3 Approaching a railway crossing
1.4.4 Approaching a railway crossing
1.4.5 Approaching a railway crossing
1.4.6 Approaching a railway crossing
1.5 Tramway crossing
1.6 Intersection of equivalent roads
1.7 Roundabout
1.8 Traffic signals
1.9 Drawbridge
1.10 Exit to the embankment
1.11.1 Sharp curve to the right
1.11.2 Sharp curve to the left
1.12.1 Sharp curves, first to the right
1.12.2 Sharp curves, first to the left
1.13 Steep descent
1.14 Steep ascent
1.15 Slippery road
1.16 Rough road
1.17 Speed bump
1.18 Gravel surface
1.19 Dangerous roadside
1.20.1 Road narrows on both sides
1.20.2 Road narrows on the right
1.20.3 Road narrows on the left
1.21 Two-way traffic
1.22 Pedestrian crossing
1.23 Children
1.24 Bicycle path crossing
1.25 Roadworks
1.26 Cattle
1.27 Deer
1.28 Rockfall
1.29 Crosswind
1.30 Low-flying aircraft
1.31 Tunnel
1.32 Traffic jam
1.33 Other hazards
1.34.1 Hazard chevron
1.34.1 Hazard chevron
1.34.1 Hazard chevron
1.34.2 Hazard chevron
1.34.2 Hazard chevron
1.34.2 Hazard chevron
1.34.3 Hazard chevron
1.34.3 Hazard chevron
1.35 Box junction
Priority signs
2.1 Priority road
2.2 End of the priority road
2.3.1 Intersection with a minor road
2.3.2 Side road intersection with a minor road
2.3.3 Side road intersection with a minor road
2.3.4 Side road intersection with a minor road
2.3.5 Side road intersection with a minor road
2.3.6 Side road intersection with a minor road
2.3.7 Side road intersection with a minor road
2.4 Give way
2.5 Stop sign
2.6 Priority of oncoming traffic
2.7 Priority over oncoming traffic
Prohibitory signs
3.1 No entry
3.2 No vehicles
3.3 No motor vehicles
3.4 No lorries
3.5 No motorcycles
3.6 No tractors
3.7 No vehicles with trailer
3.8 No horse-drawn carts
3.9 No cycling
3.10 No pedestrians
3.11 Weight limit
3.12 Weight limit per axle
3.13 Height limit
3.14 Width limit
3.15 Length limit
3.16 Minimum distance limit
3.17.1 Customs
3.17.2 Danger
3.17.3 Checkpoint
3.18.1 No right turn
3.18.2 No left turn
3.19 No U-turn
3.20 No overtaking
3.21 End of overtaking restriction
3.22 No overtaking by trucks
3.23 End of overtaking by trucks
3.24 Maximum speed limit
3.25 End of maximum speed limit
3.26 No beeping
3.27 No stopping
3.28 No parking
3.29 No parking on odd days of the month
3.30 No parking on even days of the month
3.31 End of all restrictions
3.32 No vehicles with dangerous goods
3.33 No vehicles with explosive and flammable loads
3.34 No buses
3.35 No personal mobility devices
Mandatory signs
4.1.1 Proceed straight
4.1.2 Turn right
4.1.3 Turn left
4.1.4 Proceed straight or turn right
4.1.5 Proceed straight or turn left
4.1.6 Turn left or right
4.2.1 Keep right
4.2.2 Keep left
4.2.3 Keep right or left
4.3 Roundabout
4.4.1 Cycle path
4.4.2 End of a cycle path
4.5.1 Footpath
4.5.2 Shared-use path
4.5.3 End of shared-use path
4.5.4 Segregated pedestrian and cycle path
4.5.5 Segregated pedestrian and cycle path
4.5.6 End of segregated pedestrian and cycle path
4.5.7 End of segregated pedestrian and cycle path
4.6 Minimum speed limit
4.7 End of minimum speed limit
4.8.1 Direction of movement of vehicles with dangerous goods
4.8.2 Direction of movement of vehicles with dangerous goods
4.8.3 Direction of movement of vehicles with dangerous goods
Special regulations signs
5.1 Motorway
5.2 End of motorway
5.3 Road for cars
5.4 End of road for cars
5.5 One-way road
5.6 End of one-way road
5.7.1 Exit to a one-way road
5.7.2 Exit to a one-way road
5.8 Reversible lane
5.9 End of reversible lane
5.10 Exit to road with reversible lane
5.11.1 Road with a contraflow bus lane
5.11.2 Road with a contraflow cycle lane
5.12.1 End of road with a contraflow bus lane
5.12.2 End of road with a contraflow cycle lane
5.13.1 Exit to road with a contraflow bus lane
5.13.2 Exit to road with a contraflow bus lane
5.13.3 Exit to road with a contraflow cycle lane
5.13.4 Exit to road with a contraflow cycle lane
5.14.1 Bus lane
5.14.2 Cycle lane
5.14.3 End of bus lane
5.14.4 End of cycle lane
5.15.1 Lane directions
5.15.2 Directions of movement along the lane
5.15.2 Directions of movement along the lane
5.15.2 Directions of movement along the lane
5.15.2 Directions of movement along the lane
5.15.2 Directions of movement along the lane
5.15.2 Directions of movement along the lane
5.15.2 Directions of movement along the lane
5.15.2 Directions of movement along the lane
5.15.2 Directions of movement along the lane
5.15.2 Directions of movement along the lane
5.15.3 The beginning of the lane
5.15.3 The beginning of the lane
5.15.3 The beginning of the lane
5.15.4 The beginning of the lane
5.15.4 The beginning of the lane
5.15.5 End of the lane
5.15.6 End of the lane
5.15.7 Lane direction
5.15.7 Lane direction
5.15.7 Lane direction
5.15.8 Number of lanes
5.16 Bus and/or trolleybus stop location
5.17 Tram stop location
5.18 Parking place for passenger taxis
5.19.1 Pedestrian crossing
5.19.1 Pedestrian crossing (with fluoro board)
5.19.2 Pedestrian crossing
5.19.2 Pedestrian crossing (with fluoro board)
5.20 Speed bump
5.21 Residential area
5.22 End of the residential area
5.23.1 Locality begins
5.23.2 Built-up area begins
5.24.1 End of locality
5.24.2 End of built-up area
5.25 Locality begins
5.26 End of locality
5.27 No parking zone
5.28 End of no parking zone
5.29 Regulated parking zone
5.30 End of the regulated parking zone
5.31 Maximum speed limit zone
5.32 End of maximum speed limit zone
5.33 Pedestrian zone
5.34 End of pedestrian zone
5.35 Zone with restriction of ecological class of motor vehicles
5.36 End of zone with restriction of ecological class of motor vehicles
5.37 Zone with restriction of ecological class of trucks
5.37 Zone with restriction of ecological class of trucks
5.38 End of zone restriction of ecological class of trucks
5.38 End of zone restriction of ecological class of trucks
5.39 Cycle zone
5.40 End of cycle zone
Information signs
6.1 General maximum speed limits
6.2 Recommended speed
6.3.1 U-turn
6.3.2 U-turn area
6.5 Emergency stop lane
6.6 Underground pedestrian crossing
6.7 Aboveground pedestrian crossing
6.8.1 Dead end street
6.8.2 Deadlock
6.8.3 Deadlock
6.9.1 Preliminary direction indicator
6.9.1 Preliminary direction indicator
6.9.1 Preliminary direction indicator
6.9.1 Preliminary direction indicator
6.9.1 Preliminary direction indicator
6.9.2 Preliminary direction indicator
6.9.2 Preliminary direction indicator
6.9.2 Preliminary direction indicator
6.9.3 Traffic scheme
6.10.1 Direction indicator
6.10.1 Direction indicator
6.10.1 Direction indicator
6.10.1 Direction indicator
6.10.1 Direction indicator
6.10.2 Direction indicator
6.10.2 Direction indicator
6.11 Name of the object
6.11 Name of the object
6.11 Name of the object
6.12 Distance indicator
6.12 Distance indicator
6.12 Distance indicator
6.13 Kilometer sign
6.13 Kilometer sign
6.13 Kilometer sign (Rosavtodor)
6.14.1 Route number
6.14.1 Route number
6.14.1 Route number
6.14.1 Route number
6.14.2 Route number
6.14.2 Route number
6.14.2 Route number
6.15.1 Direction of movement for trucks
6.15.2 Direction of movement for trucks
6.15.3 Direction of movement for trucks
6.16 Stop line
6.17 Detour scheme
6.18.1 Detour direction
6.18.2 Detour direction
6.18.3 Detour direction
6.19.1 Preliminary index of the lane change to another carriageway
6.19.2 Preliminary index of the lane change to another carriageway
6.20.1 Emergency exit
6.20.2 Emergency exit
6.21.1 Direction of movement to the emergency exit
6.21.2 Direction of movement to the emergency exit
Service signs
7.1 Point of medical care
7.2 Hospital
7.3 Gas station
7.4 Vehicle maintenance
7.5 Car washing
7.6 Phone
7.7 Food point
7.8 Drinking water
7.9 Hotel or motel
7.10 Camping
7.11 Place of rest
7.12 Traffic police post
7.13 Police
7.14.1 Customs control point
7.14.2 Transport control point
7.15 Reception area of a radio station transmitting traffic information
7.16 Radio communication area with emergency services
7.17 Pool or beach
7.18 Toilet
7.19 Emergency telephone number
7.20 Fire extinguisher
7.21 Gas station with possibility of charging electric vehicles
Additional signs (plates)
8.1.1 Distance to the object
8.1.2 Distance to the object
8.1.3 Distance to the object
8.1.4 Distance to the object
8.2.1 Coverage area
8.2.2 Coverage area
8.2.3 Coverage area
8.2.4 Coverage area
8.2.5 Coverage area
8.2.6 Coverage area
8.3.1 Directions of action
8.3.2 Directions of action
8.3.3 Directions of action
8.4.1 Type of a vehicle (trucks)
8.4.2 Type of a vehicle (trailers)
- Type of a vehicle (electromobiles)
- Type of a vehicle (automobiles)
8.4.4 Type of a vehicle (buses)
8.4.5 Type of a vehicle (tractors)
8.4.6 Type of a vehicle (motorcycles)
8.4.7 Type of a vehicle (bicycles)
- Type of a vehicle (scooters)
8.4.8 Type of a vehicle (vehicles carrying dangerous goods)
8.4.9 Except for a vehicle (trucks)
8.4.10 Except for a vehicle type (automobiles)
8.4.11 Except for a vehicle type (buses)
8.4.12 Except for a vehicle type (motorcycles)
8.4.13 Except for a vehicle type (bicycles)
8.4.14 Except for a vehicle type (passenger taxis)
8.4.15 Except for a vehicle type (electromobiles)
8.4.16 Except for a vehicle type (scooters)
8.5.1 Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
8.5.2 Working days
8.5.3 Days of the week
8.5.4 Validity period (type 1, with time only)
8.5.5 Validity period (type 2, for week days)
8.5.6 Validity period (type 3, for holiday days)
8.5.7 Validity period (type 4, for days of the week)
8.6.1 Method of parking the vehicle
8.6.2 Method of parking the vehicle
8.6.3 Method of parking the vehicle
8.6.4 Method of parking the vehicle
8.6.5 Method of parking the vehicle
8.6.6 Method of parking the vehicle
8.6.7 Method of parking the vehicle
8.6.8 Method of parking the vehicle
8.6.9 Method of parking the vehicle
8.7 Parking with an idle engine
8.8 Paid services
8.9.1 Limitation of parking duration
8.9.2 Parking for parking permit holders only
8.9.3 Parking of diplomatic corps vehicles only
8.10 Place for car inspection
8.11 Limitation of the permitted maximum mass
8.12 Dangerous roadside
8.13 Direction of the main road
8.13 Direction of the main road
8.14 Traffic lane
8.15 Blind pedestrians
8.16 Wet coating
8.17 Disabled people
8.18 Except for the disabled
8.19 Dangerous goods class
8.20.1 Type of vehicle trolley
8.20.2 Type of vehicle trolley
8.21.1 Type with route vehicle
8.21.2 Type of route vehicle
8.21.3 Type of route vehicle
8.22.1 Obstacle
8.22.2 Obstacle
8.22.3 Obstacle
8.23 Photovideofixation
8.24 Tow-away zone
8.25 Environmental class of the vehicle
8.26 Charging electric vehicles
Traffic signals
Pedestrian crosssing signal
Experimental signs
These signs are provided by ГОСТ Р 58398-2019 standard, but are not included in the Road Rules yet.
5.19.3д Diagonal pedestrian crossing
5.19.4д Diagonal pedestrian crossing
5.19.4д Diagonal pedestrian crossing
5.35д Right turn on red permitted
Similar systems
Similar road signs are used in most countries that formed after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Initially, the ГОСТ 10807-78 standard was adopted in the Soviet Union in 1980, but after its collapse in 1991, the same standard continued to operate in many post-Soviet countries until some of these countries adopted their own standard, in particular, in Russia, the ГОСТ Р 52290-2004 standard was adopted, in Ukraine ДСТУ 4100:2021, in Belarus СТБ 1140-2013, in Kazakhstan СТ РК 1412-2017, and in Uzbekistan O'zDst 3283:2017.[21] Road signs in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan are entirely based on the ГОСТ Р 52290-2004 and ГОСТ Р 52289-2004 Russian standards.[22][23] Inscriptions on road signs vary depending on the country's official language.
In Estonia and Latvia, road signs are outwardly different from the Russian ones. In Lithuania, road signs still bear a resemblance to those used in the Soviet Union, despite the fact that Lithuania restored its independence in 1990 and that the country joined the European Union in 2004. This is due to the fact that the Baltic states were occupied and later annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940 during the World War II.
- ^ "Постановление Правительства РФ от 23.10.1993 N 1090 «О Правилах дорожного движения» (ПДД) (последняя редакция) (вместе с «Основными положениями по допуску транспортных средств к эксплуатации и обязанности должностных лиц по обеспечению безопасности» \ КонсультантПлюс". www.consultant.ru. Retrieved 16 November 2023.
- ^ "ГОСТ Р 52289-2004 Технические средства организации дорожного движения. Правила применения дорожных знаков, разметки, светофоров, дорожных ограждений и направляющих устройств" (PDF). joldo.kg (in Russian).
- ^ "Скачать ГОСТ Р 52290-2004 Технические средства организации дорожного движения. Знаки дорожные. Общие технические требования". meganorm.ru (in Russian). Retrieved 25 March 2023.
- ^ "Межгосударственный стандарт ГОСТ 10807-78 «Знаки дорожные. Общие технические условия» (утв. постановлением Госстандарта СССР 30.08.1978 N 2401) (с изменениями и дополнениями) (не действует) | ГАРАНТ". base.garant.ru (in Russian). Retrieved 20 March 2023.
- ^ "Скачать ГОСТ 10807-78 Знаки дорожные. Общие технические условия". meganorm.ru (in Russian). Retrieved 25 March 2023.
- ^ a b "Дорожные знаки по ГОСТу Р 52290-2004 (от 14.12.2005)". www.sevdorstroy.ru (in Russian). 14 December 2005. Retrieved 14 November 2023.
- ^ Макров, Антон (13 July 2021). "Что обозначают буквы в названии автомобильных трасс". CAR.RU (in Russian). Retrieved 4 August 2023.
- ^ "МЕЖПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВЕННОЕ СОГЛАШЕНИЕ ПО СЕТИ АЗИАТСКИХ АВТОМОБИЛЬНЫХ ДОРОГ" (PDF). United Nations (in Russian). 6 January 2024. Retrieved 6 January 2024.
- ^ "Как менялась Венская конвенция о дорожном движении". Коммерсантъ (in Russian). 8 September 2018. Retrieved 26 June 2023.
- ^ "В помощь: Дорожные знаки Фотографии старого Саратова" (in Russian). Archived from the original on 13 April 2015. Retrieved 9 April 2015.
- ^ "В помощь: Дорожные знаки | Фотографии старого Саратова" (in Russian). Archived from the original on 13 April 2015. Retrieved 9 April 2015.
- ^ "Знак движение автобусов запрещено для чемпионата мира по футболу". pddmaster.ru. Retrieved 26 August 2023.
- ^ "С сегодняшнего дня в России появился временный дорожный знак Движение автобусов запрещено". www.garant.ru. Retrieved 26 August 2023.
- ^ FEIP. "Новые ПДД для автобусов с 1 марта 2023". Профи Центр (in Russian). Retrieved 26 August 2023.
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- ^ "Дорожные знаки меньшего размера появятся по всей России" (in Russian). www.kommersant.ru. 4 February 2019. Archived from the original on 4 February 2019. Retrieved 4 February 2019.
- ^ A personal mobility device is a vehicle that has one or more wheels, intended for the individual movement of a person using an engine. (electric scooters, electric skateboards, hoverboards, Segways, unicycles, and other similar devices)
- ^ "Движение на самокате запрещено: в России ввели новые дорожные знаки". Моя планета (in Russian). 1 March 2023. Retrieved 16 November 2023.
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