Rémy Perrier (14 June 1861, Tulle – 27 June 1936, Chaunac) was a French zoologist. He was the younger brother of zoologist Edmond Perrier (1844-1921) who directed the French National Museum of Natural History from 1900 to 1919 and founded the Friends of the Natural History Museum society in 1907.[1]
Rémy Perrier studied natural sciences at the École normale supérieure, afterwards teaching classes in Poitiers. From 1926 to 1931 he was a professor of zoology at the faculty des sciences in Paris. He was a member of the Société des lettres, sciences et arts de la Corrèze.[2]
Perrier specialized in research on the Prosobranchia (a subclass of snails).[3] He is also remembered for his study of sea cucumbers, being credited with creation of the taxonomic genus Gastrothuria.[4]
Beginning in 1923, Perrier released "La Faune de la France en tableaux synoptiques illustrés", a work on zoology published in ten installments by Librairie Delagrave.[5]
- 1A. Coelentérés, spongiaires, échinoderms. Sous-règne des protozoaires by Jean Delphy [1936].
- 1B. Vers et némathelminthes, by Jean Delphy [1935].
- 2. Arachnides et crustacés, with the collaboration of Lucien Berland and Léon Bertin [1929].
- 3. Myriapodes, insectes inférieurs [1923].
- 4. Hémiptères, anoploures, mallopages, lépidoptères ... [1926].
- 5. Coléoptères (part 1) [1927].
- 6. Coléoptères (part 2) in collaboration with Jean Delphy [1932].
- 7. Hyménoptères, by Lucien Berland, with the collaboration of Raymond Benoist, Francis Bernard, Henri Maneval [1940].
- 8. Diptères, by Eugène Séguy [1937].
- 9. Bryozaires, brachiopodes, mollusques, protocordés (amphioxus, tuniciers) with the collaboration of Paul Fischer, et al. [1930].
- 10. Vertébrés, poissons, batraciens, reptiles, oiseaux, mammifères [1924].
- Other noted works by Perrier include:
- Recherches sur l'anatomie et l'histologie du rein des gastéropodes prosobranches, (1889) - Research on the anatomy and histology of the Prosobranchia
- Cours élémentaire de zoologie, (1899).[6]
- ^ Yves Laissus, "Cent ans d'histoire", 1907-2007 - Les Amis du Muséum, centennial special, September 2007, supplement to the quarterly publication Les Amis du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, n° 230, June 2007, ISSN 1161-9104 (in French).
- ^ France savante (biographical information)
- ^ JCS Biologists
- ^ World Register of Marine Species
- ^ [1] Faune de la France] (outline of work)
- ^ IDREF.fr (bibliography)
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