This is a list of football (soccer) stadiums in Ethiopia, ranked in descending order of capacity with at least 5,000 spectators. Some stadiums are football-specific and some are used for other purposes.

Existing stadiums

# Stadium Location Capacity Tenants Image
1 Bahir Dar Stadium Bahir Dar 52,000 Bahir Dar Kenema, National team
2 Mekelle Stadium Mekelle 52,000 Mekelle City FC, Dedebit FC, Guna Trading FC, Trans Ethiopia
3 Hawassa Kenema Stadium Hawassa 45,000 Hawassa City
4 Addis Ababa Stadium[1] Addis Ababa 25,000 National team, Saint George, Ethiopian Coffee, Defence Force
5 Abebe Bikila Stadium Addis Ababa 30,000 Dedebit F.C.
6 Woldiya Stadium Weldiya 25,155 Woldia
7 Mekelle University Arid Stadium Mekelle 20,000
8 Dire Dawa Stadium Dire Dawa 18,000 Dire Dawa City
9 Hawassa University Stadium Hawassa 15,000 Hawassa CIty F.C
10 Wonji Stadium Wenji 14,000 Muger Cement, Wonji Sugar
11 Imam Ahmed Stadium Harar 10,000 Harar City F.C.
12 Abiy Hersamo Stadium Hosaena 5,000 Hadiya Hossana F.C.
13 Arba Minch Stadium Arba Minch 5,000 Arba Minch City F.C.

Stadiums under construction

Stadium Capacity City Tenant Status Planned opening year Image
Addis Ababa National Stadium[2] 62,000 Addis Ababa National team Under Construction 2019
Harari Stadium 56,000 Harari Harar City Under Construction
Gambella Stadium 30,000 Gambella Under Construction
Akaki-Kality Stadium 30,000 Addis Ababa Saint George, Ethiopian Coffee Under Construction

See also


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