\setarrowdefault{,1,ultra thick}
\node (n1) {
\node at ($(n1)-(25em,0)$) (n2) {
\node at ($(n2)-(2,4.8)$) (n3) {
\node at ($(n3)-(0,3.8)$) (n4) {
\node at ($(n4.west)-(0,4)$) (n5) [anchor=west] {
\node at ($(n5)+(34em,0)$) (n6) {
\node at ($(n6)+(0,4)$) (n7) {
\node at ($(n7.east)+(.1,2.9)$) (n8) [anchor=south east] {
\node at ($(n5.east)!.5!(n6.west)-(3.7,4)$) (n9) {
\node at ($(n5.east)!.5!(n6.west)+(3.7,-4.5)$) (n10) {
=_[::-60]-[::60]=_[::-60]-[6](-[::-60])=^[::60]-[::-60]-[::60]O-[::-60] (-[::60]R)=[::-60]O
\node [rounded corners=2em,draw=green,fill=yellow!30,line width=6pt,fit=(n1) (n2) (n3) (n8),inner sep=8pt] (big1) {};
\node [rounded corners=2em,draw=green,fill=cyan!30,line width=6pt,fit=(n4) (n5) (n6) (n7) (n9) (n10),inner sep=8pt] (big2) {};
\draw [-latex,ultra thick]
(n1.west) -- (n2.east)
node [pos=.5,above] {\large\chemfig[green!50!black]{H_2O}};
\draw [-latex,ultra thick]
(n2.south) node [above right] {\large all-trans retinal}
-- (n3.north)
node [pos=.5,left] {\large\color{green!50!black}all-trans RDH};
\draw [-latex,ultra thick]
(n3.south) node [above right] {\large all-trans retinol}
-- (n4.north);
\draw [-latex,ultra thick]
(n4.south) node [above right] {\large all-trans retinol}
-- (n4.north |- n5.north)
node [pos=.5,right] {\large\color{green!50!black}LRAT};
\draw [-latex,ultra thick]
node at ($(n5)+(1,-1)$) {\large all-trans retinyl ester}
(n5.east) -- (n6.west)
node [pos=.5,above] {\large\color{green!50!black}RPE65};
\draw [very thick]
(n9.north) .. controls ++(0,1.5) and ++(-1.5,0) .. ($(n5.east)!.5!(n6.west)$);
\draw [-latex,very thick]
($(n5.east)!.5!(n6.west)$) .. controls ++(1.5,0) and ++(0,1.5) .. (n10.north);
\draw [-latex,ultra thick]
node at ($(n6)+(0,-1)$) {\large 11-cis retinol}
(n6.north) -- ($(n7.south)+(0,.45)$)
node [pos=.5,left] {\large\color{green!50!black}11-cis RDH}
node [pos=1,above] {\large 11-cis retinal};
\draw [-latex,ultra thick]
(n7.north) -- (n7.north |- n8.south)
node [pos=1,left] {\large 11-cis retinilidene};
\draw [-latex,ultra thick]
(n8.north) -- ($(n1.south)-(0,.1)$)
node [pos=1,above] {\large all-trans retinilidene}
node [pos=.5,right,inner xsep=8pt] {\large\color{green!50!black}h$\nu$};
\draw [decorate, decoration={brace,amplitude=2em}, ultra thick]
(big1.south west) -- (big1.north west)
node [pos=.5,anchor=south,xshift=-20pt,rotate=90] {\Large Rod outer segment};
\draw [decorate, decoration={brace,amplitude=2em}, ultra thick]
(big2.south west) -- (big2.north west)
node [pos=.5,anchor=south,xshift=-20pt,rotate=90] {\Large Retinal pigment epithelium};
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