Cheng Zhenjue (fl. 210s–220s), courtesy name Qiongyu, originally named Cheng Jue, was a member of the Cheng clan in Niubing. She married Zhang Wei, but her husband died before the ceremony. She was noted for her filial piety toward her stepfamily, to be strong willed with a pure character.
Cheng Zhenjue was born in Niubing County, Qianwei Commandery (犍為郡), which is present-day Jianyang, Sichuan. She was the wife of Zhang Wei (張惟).[1] She married him at the age of 19 (by East Asian age reckoning) however before the ceremony concluded, Zhang Wei died.[2] Since they had no children, she adopted the son of her brother Yue (悅) as her own. She also took care of her step uncle and aunt diligently, day and night.[3] Wang Chong of Zizhong wanted to marry her however her uncle Cheng Gong (程肱) told him that his niece had her own aspiration and none can change her.[4] Later, Wang Chong served as Investigator (督郵)[a] under Li Yan when he was Administrator of Qianwei (犍為太守).[5]
Li Yan sent an official to bring lamb and goose as a dowry gift, also ordered the marriage on behalf of Wang Chong. When she learned of this, Cheng Zhenjue attempted suicide by drowning but survived the event after being rescued.[6] Impressed by her, the following Administrator (太守) Su Gao (蘇高) set up a watch for her.[7] Thereafter her death, the Administrators of Shu sent official to posthumously grant her the name Zhenjue (貞玦) in commemoration of her spirit.[8][b] The Administrator of Zhangling (太守章陵), Liu Wei (劉威) also wrote a eulogy to praise her.[9]
See also
- ^ A duyou (督郵; variously translated as "Investigator" or "Inspector") was an official representative of the Administrator (太守), the highest-ranked administrative officer in a commandery. His role was to patrol the counties in the commandery and audit/review the county-level officials' work.
- ^ the name "Zhen" (貞) means "chaste" in Chinese
- ^ (貞「●」(玦),字瓊玉,牛鞞程氏女,張惟妻也。) Huayang Guo Zhi vol. 10.
- ^ (十九適惟。未期,惟亡。) Huayang Guo Zhi vol. 10.
- ^ (無子,養兄子悅。劉、李本倒作悅子。供養舅姑,夙夜不怠。) Huayang Guo Zhi vol. 10.
- ^ (資中王沖欲娶「●」(玦),「●」(玦)叔父肱答廖本從草,他各本作答。以女志不可奪。) Huayang Guo Zhi vol. 10.
- ^ (沖為太守李嚴督郵。) Huayang Guo Zhi vol. 10.
- ^ (嚴記縣,遣孝義掾奉羔鴈,宣太守命聘之。「●」(玦)乃自投水。救援不死。) Huayang Guo Zhi vol. 10.
- ^ (後太守蘇高為立表。) Huayang Guo Zhi vol. 10.
- ^ (太守蜀郡此下各本舊有小闕字。錢寫本闕下又有空位。示闕二字。蓋闕太守名。守為蜀郡人也。□□遣仁恕掾「論」〔謚〕當是謚字漫渙,訛為論。曰「貞玦」。由此知廖本作●謬。舊各本作玦是。) Huayang Guo Zhi vol. 10.
- ^ (太守章陵劉威又為作頌「故」當衍稱述也。) Huayang Guo Zhi vol. 10.
- Chang Qu (4th century). Chronicles of Huayang (Huayang Guo Zhi).
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