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2016 Summer Olympics |

The 2016 Summer Olympics torch relay which ran from 21 April until 5 August 2016. After being lit in Olympia, Greece, the torch traveled to Athens on the 27 April. The Brazilian leg began in the capital, Brasília, and ended in Rio de Janeiro's Maracanã Stadium, the main venue of the 2016 Olympics. After having visited more than 300 Brazilian cities, including all 26 state capitals and the Federal District.[1] The end of the relay was the closing to the 2016 Summer Olympics opening ceremony.[2]
Route in Greece
- 21 April
- Olympia 1.
- Pyrgos 2.
- Amaliada 3.
- Lechaina 4.
- 22 April
- Zakynthos 5.
- Patras 6.
- Rio–Antirrio bridge 7.
- Missolonghi 8.
- Astakos 9.
- 10. Lefkada
- 11. Nicopolis
- 12. Preveza
- 23 April
- 13. Igoumenitsa
- 14. Corfu
- 15. Ioannina
- 16. Veria
- 24 April
- 17. Thessaloniki
- 18. Serres
- 19. Drama
- 20. Kavala
- 25 April
- 21. Alexandroupoli
- 22. Komotini
- 23. Xanthi
- 24. Katerini
- 26 April
- 25. Larissa
- 26. Chalcis
- 27. Marathon
- 26–28 April
- 28. Athens
Route in Switzerland
Route in Brazil
Torch relay in Brasília, with the marathoner Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima (3 May).
Torch relay in Corumbá de Goiás (4 May).
Torch relay in Pirenópolis, Goiás (4 May).
Torch relay in Coronel Fabriciano, Minas Gerais, with Don Lélis Lara (12 May).
The last stop of the torch relay, Maracanã Stadium in Rio de Janeiro (5 August).
- 3 May
- Brasília 1.
- 4 May
- Corumbá de Goiás 2.
- Pirenópolis 3.
- Anápolis 4.
- 5 May
- Itaberaí 5.
- Goiás 6.
- Inhumas 7.
- Goiânia 8.
- 6 May
- Trindade 9.
- 10. Aparecida de Goiânia
- 11. Piracanjuba
- 12. Morrinhos
- 13. Caldas Novas
- 7 May
- 14. Pires do Rio
- 15. Ipameri
- 16. Goiandira
- 17. Araguari
- 18. Uberlândia
- 8 May
- 19. Uberaba
- 20. Araxá
- 21. Serra do Salitre
- 22. Patrocínio
- 23. Patos de Minas
- 9 May
- 24. Varjão de Minas
- 25. Pirapora
- 26. Montes Claros
- 10 May
- 27. Bocaiúva
- 28. Couto de Magalhães de Minas
- 29. Diamantina
- 30. Curvelo
- 11 May
- 31. Datas
- 32. Serro
- 33. Guanhães
- 34. Governador Valadares
- 12 May
- 35. Naque
- 36. Coronel Fabriciano
- 37. Itabira
- 13 May
- 38. Ouro Preto
- 39. Itabirito
- 40. Brumadinho
- 14 May
- 41. Contagem
- 42. Belo Horizonte
- 15 May
- 43. São João del-Rei
- 44. Tiradentes
- 45. Barbacena
- 46. Juiz de Fora
- 16 May
- 47. Bicas
- 48. Leopoldina
- 49. Muriaé
- 50. Itaperuna
- 51. Bom Jesus do Itabapoana
- 52. Cachoeiro de Itapemirim
- 17 May
- 53. Guarapari
- 54. Vila Velha
- 55. Vitoria
- 18 May
- 56. Serra
- 57. Aracruz
- 58. Colatina
- 59. Linhares
- 60. São Mateus
- 19 May
- 61. Teixeira de Freitas
- 62. Itamaraju
- 63. Santa Cruz Cabrália
- 64. Porto Seguro
- 20 May
- 65. Eunápolis
- 66. Itapetinga
- 67. Vitoria da Conquista
- 21 May
- 68. Itambé
- 69. Floresta Azul
- 70. Ibicaraí
- 71. Itabuna
- 72. Ilhéus
- 22 May
- 73. Cairu (Morro de São Paulo)
- 74. Itacaré
- 75. Camamu
- 76. Ituberá
- 77. Valença
- 23 May
- 78. Lençóis
- 24 May
- 79. Salvador
- 25 May
- 80. Feira de Santana
- 81. Riachão do Jacuípe
- 82. Capim Grosso
- 83. Senhor do Bonfim
- 26 May
- 84. Jaguarari
- 85. Juazeiro
- 86. Sobradinho
- 87. Petrolina
- 27 May
- 88. Lagoa Grande
- 89. Santa Maria da Boa Vista
- 90. Orocó
- 91. Cabrobó
- 92. Paulo Afonso
- 28 May
- 93. Canindé de São Francisco
- 94. Poco Redondo
- 95. Nossa Senhora da Gloria
- 96. Nossa Senhora das Dores
- 97. Aracaju
- 29 May
- 98. Propriá
- 99. São Sebastião
- 100. Arapiraca
- 101. São Miguel dos Campos
- 102. Maceió
- 30 May
- 103. Murici
- 104. União dos Palmares
- 105. Garanhuns
- 106. Lajedo
- 107. Caruaru
- 31 May
- 108. Gravatá
- 109. Jaboatão dos Guararapes
- 110. Recife
- 1 June
- 111. Ipojuca
- 2 June
- 112. Igarassu
- 113. Pedras de Fogo
- 114. Itabaiana
- 115. Campina Grande
- 3 June
- 116. Guarabira
- 117. Sape
- 118. João Pessoa
- 4 June
- 119. Mamanguape
- 120. São José de Mipibu
- 121. Parnamirim
- 122. Natal
- 5 June
- 123. Fernando de Noronha
- 6 June
- 124. Lajes
- 125. Angicos
- 126. Assú
- 127. Mossoró
- 7 June
- 128. Aracati
- 129. Aquiraz
- 130. Fortaleza
- 8 June
- 131. Caucaia
- 132. Itapajé
- 133. Forquilha
- 134. Sobral
- 9 June
- 135. Massapê
- 136. Granja
- 137. Camocim
- 138. Barroquinha
- 139. Parnaíba
- 10 June
- 140. Piracuruca
- 141. Piripiri
- 142. Campo Maior
- 143. Altos
- 144. Teresina
- 11 June
- 145. Palmas
- 12 June
- 146. São Luís
- 13 June
- 147. Barreirinhas
- 14 June
- 148. Imperatriz
- 15 June
- 149. Belém
- 16 June
- 150. Macapá
- 17 June
- 151. Santarém
- 18 June
- 152. Boa Vista
- 19–20 June
- 153. Manaus
- 20 June
- 154. Iranduba
- 155. Presidente Figueiredo
- 21 June
- 156. Rio Branco
- 22 June
- 157. Porto Velho
- 23 June
- 158. Várzea Grande
- 159. Cuiabá
- 24 June
- 160. Pantanal
- 25 June
- 161. Campo Grande
- 26 June
- 162. Sidrolândia
- 163. Rio Brilhante
- 164. Maracaju
- 165. Itaporã
- 166. Dourados
- 27 June
- 167. Nova Andradina
- 168. Bataguassu
- 169. Presidente Prudente
- 28 June
- 170. Paraguaçu Paulista
- 171. Marília
- 172. Assis
- 173. Londrina
- 29 June
- 174. Arapongas
- 175. Maringá
- 176. Campo Mourão
- 177. Cascavel
- 30 June
- 178. Matelândia
- 179. Medianeira
- 180. São Miguel do Iguaçu
- 181. Santa Terezinha de Itaipu
- 182. Foz do Iguaçu
- 1 July
- 183. Foz do Iguaçu
- 2 July
- 184. Céu Azul
- 185. Santa Tereza do Oeste
- 186. Realeza
- 187. Francisco Beltrão
- 188. Pato Branco
- 3 July
- 189. São Lourenço do Oeste
- 190. Chapecó
- 191. Concórdia
- 192. Erechim
- 193. Passo Fundo
- 4 July
- 194. São Miguel das Missões
- 195. Santo Ângelo
- 196. Ijuí
- 197. Cruz Alta
- 5 July
- 198. Encantado
- 199. Lajeado
- 200. Santa Cruz do Sul
- 201. Santa Maria
- 6 July
- 202. São Sepé
- 203. Caçapava do Sul
- 204. Canguçu
- 205. Rio Grande
- 206. Pelotas
- 7 July
- 207. São Lourenço do Sul
- 208. Camaquã
- 209. Guaíba
- 210. Porto Alegre
- 8 July
- 211. Canoas
- 212. Esteio
- 213. Novo Hamburgo
- 214. Granado
- 215. Canela
- 216. Nova Petrópolis
- 217. Caxias do Sul
- 9 July
- 218. Bento Gonçalves
- 219. Torres
- 220. Sombrio
- 221. Araranguá
- 222. Criciúma
- 10 July
- 223. Tubarão
- 224. Torres
- 225. Laguna
- 226. São José
- 10–11 July
- 227. Florianópolis
- 12 July
- 228. Biguaçu
- 229. Balneário Camboriú
- 230. Itajaí
- 231. Ilhota
- 232. Gaspar
- 233. Blumenau
- 13 July
- 234. Massaranduba
- 235. Jaraguá do Sul
- 236. São Francisco do Sul
- 237. Joinville
- 14 July
- 238. São José dos Pinhais
- 239. Curitiba
- 15 July
- 240. Fazenda Rio Grande
- 241. Araucária
- 242. Campo Largo
- 243. Ponta Grossa
- 16 July
- 244. Castro
- 245. Itararé
- 246. Itapeva
- 247. Capão Bonito
- 248. Itapetininga
- July 17
- 249. Sorocaba
- 250. Tatuí
- 251. Botucatu
- 252. Lençóis Paulista
- 253. Bauru
- 18 July
- 254. Jaú
- 255. Araraquara
- 256. São Carlos
- 257. Ribeirão Preto
- 19 July
- 258. Sertãozinho
- 259. Jaboticabal
- 260. Bebedouro
- 261. Barretos
- 262. Franca
- 20 July
- 263. Rio Claro
- 264. Limeira
- 265. Americana
- 266. Campinas
- 21 July
- 267. Indaiatuba
- 268. Itu
- 269. Jundiaí
- 270. Osasco
- 22 July
- 271. Praia Grande
- 272. São Vicente
- 273. Santos
- 274. Guarujá
- 23 July
- 275. Guarulhos
- 276. São Caetano do Sul
- 277. Santo André
- 278. São Bernardo do Campo
- 24 July
- 279. São Paulo City
- 25 July
- 280. Ilhabela
- 26 July
- 281. Suzano
- 282. Mogi das Cruzes
- 283. Jacareí
- 284. São Jose dos Campos
- 27 July
- 285. Taubaté
- 286. São Luiz do Paraitinga
- 287. Ubatuba
- 288. Paraty
- 289. Angra Dos Reis
- 28 July
- 290. Ilha Grande
- 291. Rio Claro
- 292. Resende
- 293. Barra Mansa
- 294. Volta Redonda
- 29 July
- 295. Pirai
- 296. Barra do Pirai
- 297. Vassouras
- 298. Paraíba do Sul
- 299. Três Rios
- 300. Petrópolis
- 30 July
- 301. Teresópolis
- 302. Guapimirim
- 303. Cachoeiras de Macacu
- 304. Nova Friburgo
- 31 July
- 305. Cordeiro
- 306. Itaocara
- 307. São Fidélis
- 308. Campos dos Goytacazes
- 309. Macaé
- 1 August
- 310. Rio das Ostras
- 311. Armação dos Búzios
- 312. São Pedro da Aldeia
- 313. Iguaba Grande
- 314. Araruama
- 315. Arraial do Cabo
- 316. Cabo Frio
- 2 August
- 317. Saquarema
- 318. Rio Bonito
- 319. Tanguá
- 320. Itaboraí
- 321. São Gonçalo
- 322. Niterói
- 3 August
- 323. Centro
- 324. Duque de Caxias
- 325. São João de Meriti
- 326. Nilópolis
- 327. Belford Roxo
- 328. Nova Iguaçu
- 4 August
- 329. Barra da Tijuca
- 330. Campo Grande
- 331. Bangu
- 332. Madureira
- 333. Copacabana
- 5 August
- 334. Cristo Redentor
- 335. Botafogo
- 336. Pão de Açúcar
- 337. Aterro do Flamengo
- 338. Maracanã Stadium
End of Torch Relay
At the 2016 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, Gustavo Kuerten brought the Olympic torch into the stadium, relayed off the Olympic flame to Hortência Marcari, who relayed to Vanderlei de Lima. de Lima then lit the Olympic cauldron.[3]
Torch bearers
Notable torch bearers include:
- Vanderlei de Lima: de Lima had been selected as the final torch bearer and the one who lit the cauldron after Pelé declined due to illness. de Lima had been attacked during his marathon run at the 2004 Olympics, when he was leading, making him a leading choice for the honor of last flame bearer.[4]
- Hortência Marcari: Marcari is considered the greatest Brazilian female basketball player.[4]
- Gustavo Kuerten: Kuerten is the best male tennis player in South America in history.[4]
- Ban Ki-moon, Ban is the Secretary-General of the United Nations[5]
- Thomas Bach, Bach is the President of the International Olympic Committee[5]
- Carlos Arthur Nuzman, Nuzman is the President of the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Organizing Committee[5]
- Adriana Lima, Lima is a Brazilian supermodel.[6]
- Eduardo Paes, Paes is the mayor of Rio de Janeiro[7]
- Heloísa Pinheiro, Pinheiro was the source of inspiration for the bossa nova single The Girl from Ipanema.
- Pio: Osmar Alberto Volpe is a Brazilian footballer who played for various clubs throughout the 1970s. He was especially known for his career with Palmeiras.[8]
- ^ "Goiás will be the first state to receive the Rio 2016 Olympic Flame". USA Today. Diário da Manhã. 29 April 2015. Archived from the original on 18 April 2015. Retrieved 29 April 2015.
- ^ Rio 2016 Opening Ceremonies (5 August 2016)
- ^ "Opening Ceremony". 2016 Summer Olympics. 5 August 2016. NBC.
- ^ a b c "Meet the marathoner who lit the cauldron at the Rio Games". CBS News. Associated Press. 5 August 2016.
- ^ a b c "Leaders of UN, IOC and Rio 2016 join together to carry Olympic torch". Rio 2016. 5 August 2016. Archived from the original on 7 August 2016.
- ^ Julie Mazziotta (5 August 2016). "Adriana Lima Cries with Pride as She Carries the Olympic Torch Through the Streets of Rio". Archived from the original on 6 August 2016. Retrieved 6 August 2016.
- ^ O Globo (4 August 2016). "Paes denies breach of protocol to carry the torch: 'I was invited'". Retrieved 9 August 2016.
- ^ Zocco, Rafael (18 July 2016). "Ex-jogador da Ferroviária e Palmeiras carrega a Tocha Olímpica em Araraquara". Torcedores (in Brazilian Portuguese). Archived from the original on 24 July 2019.
External links
- 3D model: "Rio 2016 Olympic torch". The 2016 Olympic torch (designed by Chelles & Hayashi), by Wilfried Vougny. April 21, 2016 (in French)
- "En 5 Minutes - L'odyssey de la flamme olympique commence" "Le Journal de Montréal", by Wilfried Vougny, Apr. 21, 2016.
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