Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France).
- The Kenyon Review is restarted by Kenyon College in the United States 10 years after the original publication was closed.
- Jahrbuch der Lyrik ("Poetry Yearbook"), an annual poetry anthology, is launched in Germany, nine years before the similar series The Best American Poetry is begun. Each year's edition, containing 100 poems, is published in the spring by Beck, and is edited by Christoph Buchwald along with a guest editor.[1]
- Poetry Canada Review founded by Clifton Whiten in order to publish and review poetry from across Canada; the publication folds in 1994.[2]
Works published in English
Listed by nation where the work was first published and again by the poet's native land, if different; substantially revised works listed separately:
- Robert Adamson Where I Come From
- Robert Gray, Grass script
- Jennifer Maiden, The Border Loss, Angus & Robertson
- Les Murray, The Boys Who Stole the Funeral, Angus & Robertson, 1979, 1980 and Manchester, Carcanet, 1989
- John Tranter:
- Dazed in the Ladies Lounge, Island Press (Australia)
- Editor, The New Australian Poetry (anthology)[3]
- Chris Wallace-Crabbe:
- The Emotions Are Not Skilled Workers, Sydney: Angus & Robertson
- Toil and Spin: Two Directions in Modern Poetry (scholarship), Melbourne: Hutchinson
- Dionne Brand, Earth Magic
- Paul Dutton, Right Hemisphere, Left Ear
- Michael Ondaatje, There's a Trick with a Knife I'm Learning to Do
- Irving Layton, Droppings from Heaven. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart.[4]
- Irving Layton, The Tamed Puma. Toronto: Virgo Press.[4]
- Irving Layton, There Were No Signs. Toronto: Madison Gallery.[4]
- Dennis Lee.The Gods. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart.[5]
- Steven McCaffery and B.P. Nichol, In England Now That Spring
- Susan Musgrave, A Man to Bury, A Man to Marry
- Michael Ondaatje (also see "Anthologies in Canada" section below):
- There's a Trick with a Knife I'm Learning to Do: Poems, 1963-1978, New York: W. W. Norton (New York, NY), 1979[6] ISBN 0-393-01191-7, ISBN 978-0-393-01191-3 (published as Rat Jelly, and Other Poems, 1963-1978, London, United Kingdom: Marion Boyars, 1980)[6]
- Claude Glass (literary criticism), Toronto: Coach House Press[6]
- Charles Sangster, Hesperus and other poems and lyrics (revised edition), edited by Frank M. Tierney (Tecumseh) [7]
- Raymond Souster, Hanging In: New Poems. Ottawa: Oberon Press.[8]
- James Wreford Watson, Countryside Canada.[9]
Anthologies in Canada
- K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar, Leaves from a Log: Fragments of a Journey, New Delhi: Arnold Heinemann[10]
- Kamala Das, Old Playhouse and Other Poems ( Poetry in English ), Madras: Orient Longman[11]
- Eunice de Souza, Fix ( Poetry in English ), Bombay: Newground, India.[12]
- Jayanta Mahapatra, Waiting ( Poetry in English ), New Delhi: Samkaleen Prakashan[13]
- Prabhu Siddartha Guptara, Continuations ( Poetry in English ), Calcutta: Writers Workshop[10]
- Om Prakash Bhatnagar, Feeling Fossils[10]
- Harry Clifton, Office of the Salt Merchant, Oldcastle: The Gallery Press, ISBN 978-0-902996-84-7 Ireland
- Seamus Heaney, Northern Ireland poet published in the United Kingdom:
- Field Work,[14] Faber & Faber
- Hedge School, Janus Press
- Ugolino, Carpenter Press
- Gravities, Charlotte Press
- A Family Album, Byron Press
- Thomas Kinsella, One and Other Poems, including "Anniversaries"[15]
- Michael Longley, The Echo Gate.[14] Northern Ireland poet published in the United Kingdom
- Derek Mahon, Poems 1962-1978, including "A Dying Art", "Ecclesiastes", "An Image from Beckett", "Lives", "The Snow Party", "A Refusal to Mourn" and "A Disused Shed in Co. Wexford", Oxford University Press, Northern Ireland poet published in the United Kingdom[15]
- Fleur Adcock (New Zealand poet who moved to England in 1963):
- Allen Curnow, An Incorrigible Music[17]
- Bill Manhire, Dawn/Water
- Bob Orr, Poems for Moira[18]
- John Jessop, editor, International Anthology of Concrete Poetry, vol. i
- George Swede, editor, The Canadian Haiku Anthology
- Mazisi Kunene, Emperor Shaka the Great: a Zulu Epic
- Fleur Adcock (New Zealand poet who moved to England in 1963):
- Kingsley Amis, Collected Poems 1944–1979[14]
- James Berry, Fractured Circles[14]
- Anne Born, Changing Views
- Robert Conquest, Forays
- Patric Dickinson, Our Living John, and Other Poems[14]
- Maureen Duffy, Memorials of the Quick and the Dead[14]
- Douglas Dunn, Barbarians[14]
- Ketaki Kushari Dyson, Hibiscus in the North
- D. J. Enright, A Faust Book[14]
- John Fuller, Lies and Secrets[14]
- W. S. Graham, Collected Poems 1942–1977[14]
- Thom Gunn, Selected Poems 1950–1975 (see also Poems 1969 in poetry, Collected Poems 1993)[14]
- Seamus Heaney, Northern Ireland poet published in the United Kingdom:
- Field Work,[14] Faber & Faber
- Hedge School, Janus Press
- Ugolino, Carpenter Press
- Gravities, Charlotte Press
- A Family Album, Byron Press
- Ted Hughes:
- Elizabeth Jennings, Moments of Grace[14]
- P. J. Kavanagh, Life Before Death[14]
- Omar Khayyám, The Rubaiyat, translated by John Heath-Stubbs and Peter Avery
- Michael Longley, The Echo Gate[14]
- Roger McGough, Holiday on Death Row[14]
- Derek Mahon, Poems 1962-1978. Oxford University Press
- Pete Morgan, The Spring Collection[19]
- Brian Patten, Grave Gossip[14]
- Craig Raine, A Martian Sends a Postcard Home[14]
- Peter Reading, Fiction[14]
- John Ashbery, As We Know
- Ted Berrigan and Harris Schiff, Yo-Yo's With Money
- Joseph Payne Brennan, Webs of Time (Macabre House)
- Maxine Chernoff, Utopia TV Store (The Yellow Press)
- Robert Creeley, Was That a Real Poem and Other Essays, edited by Donald Allen (Bolinas, California), criticism[20]
- Federico García Lorca (posthumous), translated by Paul Blackburn, Lorca/Blackburn: Poems of Federico García Lorca Chosen by Paul Blackburn
- John Hollander, Blue Wine
- Paul Hoover, Letter to Einstein Beginning Dear Albert (The Yellow Press)
- Stanley Kunitz, The Poems of Stanley Kunitz
- Denise Levertov, Collected Earlier Poems
- Gary Miranda, Listeners at the Breathing Place
- F. A. Nettelbeck, Bug Death
- Mary Oliver, Sleeping in the Forest (chapbook)
- George Quasha, Giving the Lily Back Her Hands (Station Hill Press)
- Frank Stanford, You, posthumous chapbook (Lost Roads Publishers)
- Robert Penn Warren, Brother to Dragons
Works published in other languages
Listed by language and often by nation where the work was first published and again by the poet's native land, if different; substantially revised works listed separately:
- Inger Christensen, Brev i April ("Letter in April")[21]
- Klaus Høeck, Denmark:
- Henrik Nordbrandt, Spøgelseslege
Canada, in French
- Jean Royer, Les heures nues, Montréal: Nouvelles Éditions de l'Arc[23]
- Marie Uguay Signe et rumeur
- Noureddine Aba, Gazelle après minuit, Algerian writer[24]
- Alain Bosquet, Poémes, un, his collected works up to 1967
- André du Bouchet, Laisses[25]
- Pierre Emmanuel, Una, ou la mort, la vie
- Claude Esteban, Terres, travaux du cœur, Flammarion
- Guillevic, Etier
- André Pieyre de Mandiargues, L'ivre Oeil
- Patrick Reumaux, Repérages du vif
Listed in alphabetical order by first name:
- Ajmer Rode, Surti, London, Ontario: Third Eye Publications, ISBN 0-919581-59-5 Chandigarh: Raghbir Rachna Parkashan; Punjabi-language[26]
- Geeta Parikh, Bhinash; Gujarati-language[27]
- K. Satchidanandan, Ezhuthachan Ezhutumbol, ("When the Poet Writes"); Malayalam-language[28]
- Kunwar Narain, Apne Samne, New Delhi: Rajkamal Prakashan; Hindi-language[29]
- Malika Amar Sheikh, Valuchya Priyakar, Mumbai: Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Prabodhini; Marathi-language[30]
- Rajendra Bhandari, Hiundey yee chisa raatka pardeharuma ("In the Veils of Cold Wintry Nights"), Gangtok, Sikkim: Padmakala Prakashan; Nepali-language[31]
- Stanisław Barańczak, Etyka i poetyka ("Ethics and Poetics"), criticism; Paris: Instytut Literacki[32]
- Ewa Lipska:
- Matilde Camus, Corcel en el tiempo ("Steed of the time")
- Christoph Buchwald, general editor, and Harald Hartung, guest editor, Jahrbuch der Lyrik 1: Am Rand der Zeit ("Poetry Yearbook 1: On the Edge of Time"), publisher: Claassen; anthology; Germany[34]
- Haim Gouri, Ayuma, Israeli writing in Hebrew[35]
- Nizar Qabbani, I Testify That There Is No Woman But You, Syrian poet writing in Arabic
Awards and honors
- See 1979 Governor General's Awards for a complete list of winners and finalists for those awards.
- Prix Émile-Nelligan: François Charron, Blessures
- Cholmondeley Award: Alan Brownjohn, Andrew Motion, Charles Tomlinson
- Eric Gregory Award: Stuart Henson, Michael Jenkins, Alan Hollinghurst, Sean O'Brien, Peter Thabit Jones, James Lindesay, Walter Perrie, Brian Moses
- AML Award for Poetry to Marden J. Clark for "Moods: Of Late" and Edward L. Hart for "To Utah"
- Bollingen Prize: W.S. Merwin
- American Academy of Arts and Letters Gold Medal in Poetry, Archibald MacLeish
- Pulitzer Prize for Poetry: Robert Penn Warren: Now and Then
- Walt Whitman Award: David Bottoms, Shooting Rats at the Bibb County Dump
- Fellowship of the Academy of American Poets: May Swenson and Mark Strand
- February 4 - Ben Lerner, American poet, novelist and critic
- October 16 - Jonathan Edwards, Welsh, English-language poet
- Aifric Mac Aodha, Irish-language poet and editor
- Qabaniso Malewezi ('Q'), Malawian musician and English-language poet
Birth years link to the corresponding "[year] in poetry" article:
- February 8 - Alexandru A. Philippide (born 1900), Romanian
- February 9 - Allen Tate (born 1899), American poet, of emphysema
- June 15 - Ernst Meister (born 1911), German[36]
- July 15 - Juana de Ibarbourou (born 1892), Uruguayan
- September 5 - John Bradburne (born 1921), English poet and missionary, killed by guerillas
- September 7 - I. A. Richards (born 1893), influential English literary critic and rhetorician
- October 6 - Elizabeth Bishop (born 1911), American poet, from an aneurism
- December 7 - Nicolas Born (born 1937), German poet, from cancer
- ^ [1] Archived 2007-09-28 at the Wayback Machine Sofer, Dalia, ""Best" Anthologies: A Global Trend", an article in Poets & Writers magazine, March 2003, accessed April 14, 2007
- ^ Web page titled "Literary Archives / Poetry Canada Review", at the Library and Archives Canada website, retrieved January 3, 2009
- ^ Preminger, Alex and T.V.F. Brogan, et al., editors, The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 1993, Princeton University Press and MJF Books, "Australian Poetry" article, Anthologies section, p 108
- ^ a b c "Irving Layton: Publications Archived 2011-07-14 at the Wayback Machine," Canadian Poetry Online, Web, May 7, 2011.
- ^ "Dennis Lee: Publications Archived 2011-04-09 at the Wayback Machine," Canadian Poetry Online,, Web, Apr. 19, 2011.
- ^ a b c d e Web page titled "Archive: Michael Ondaatje (1943- )" at the Poetry Foundation website, accessed May 7, 2008
- ^ Frank M. Tierney, "Sangster, Charles," Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online. Web., Oct. 15 2010.
- ^ "Notes on Life and Works Archived 2011-08-17 at the Wayback Machine," Selected Poetry of Raymond Souster, Representative Poetry Online,, Web, May 7, 2011.
- ^ "J(ames) Wreford Watson," Dictionary of Literary Biography, Bookrags. com, Web, Apr. 21, 2011.
- ^ a b c Naik, M. K., Perspectives on Indian poetry in English, p. 230, (published by Abhinav Publications, 1984, ISBN 0-391-03286-0, ISBN 978-0-391-03286-6), retrieved via Google Books, June 12, 2009
- ^ Niranjan Mohanty, "Trends in Indian Poetry in English", p 18 ("Works Cited"), Footnote 7, in Indian English Poetry: Critical Perspectives, edited by Jaydipsinh Dodiya, 2000, Delhi: Prabhat Kumar Sharma for Sarup & Sons, ISBN 81-7625-111-9, retrieved via Google Books on July 17, 2010
- ^ Web page titled "Eunice de Souza" Archived September 19, 2011, at the Wayback Machine, Poetry International website, retrieved July 8, 2010
- ^ Purnima Mehta, "16. Jayanta Mahapatra: A Silence-bound Pilgrim", pp 184-185, in Indian English Poetry: Critical Perspectives, edited by Jaydipsinh Dodiya, 2000, Delhi: Prabhat Kumar Sharma for Sarup & Sons, ISBN 81-7625-111-9, retrieved via Google Books on July 17, 2010
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Cox, Michael, editor, The Concise Oxford Chronology of English Literature, Oxford University Press, 2004, ISBN 0-19-860634-6
- ^ a b Crotty, Patrick, Modern Irish Poetry: An Anthology, Belfast, The Blackstaff Press Ltd., 1995, ISBN 0-85640-561-2
- ^ a b c d Web page titled "Fleur Adcock: New Zealand Literature File" Archived 2006-12-21 at the Wayback Machine at the University of Auckland Library website, accessed April 26, 2008
- ^ Allen Curnow Web page at the New Zealand Book Council website, accessed April 21, 2008
- ^ Web page titled "Bob Orr" at Best of New Zealand Poems 2001 website, accessed April 23, 2008
- ^ Salter, Miles, "Pete Morgan obituary: Elegant, original poet much admired by his contemporaries", July 15, The Guardian, retrieved August 7, 2010
- ^ Everett, Nicholas, "Robert Creeley's Life and Career" at the Modern American Poetry website, accessed May 1, 2008
- ^ Liukkonen, Petri. "Inger Christensen". Books and Writers ( Finland: Kuusankoski Public Library. Archived from the original on 23 January 2009.
- ^ a b Web page titled "Bibliography of Klaus Høeck", website of the Danish Arts Agency / Literature Centre, retrieved January 1, 2010
- ^ Web page titled "Jean Royer" Archived 2011-07-06 at the Wayback Machine at L’Académie des lettres du Québec website (in French), retrieved October 20, 2010
- ^ Sellin, Eric (1980). "Gazelle après minuit by Noureddine Aba". World Literature Today. 54 (4): 684–685. doi:10.2307/40135559. JSTOR 40135559.
- ^ Auster, Paul, editor, The Random House Book of Twentieth-Century French Poetry: with Translations by American and British Poets, New York: Random House, 1982 ISBN 0-394-52197-8
- ^ Web page titled [2] Archived 2012-04-20 at the Wayback Machine at the "Poetry International" website, retrieved July 6, 2010
- ^ Mohan, Sarala Jag, Chapter 4: "Twentieth-Century Gujarati Literature" (Google books link), in Natarajan, Nalini, and Emanuel Sampath Nelson, editors, Handbook of Twentieth-century Literatures of India, Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1996, ISBN 978-0-313-28778-7, retrieved December 10, 2008
- ^ Web page titled "K. Satchidanandan" Archived 2011-07-21 at the Wayback Machine, Poetry International website, retrieved July 11, 2010
- ^ Web page titled "Kunwar Narain" at the "Poetry International" website, retrieved July 12, 2010
- ^ Web page titled "Malika Amar Sheikh" Archived 2011-09-20 at the Wayback Machine, Poetry International website, retrieved July 6, 2010
- ^ Web page titled "Rajendra Bhandari" Archived 2013-05-30 at the Wayback Machine at the Poetry International website, retrieved July 25, 2010
- ^ Web page titled "Rymkiewicz Jaroslaw Marek" Archived 2011-09-16 at the Wayback Machine, at the Institute Ksiazki website (in Polish), "Bibliography: Poetry" section, retrieved February 24, 2010
- ^ a b Web pages titled "Lipska Ewa" (in English Archived 2011-09-16 at the Wayback Machine and Polish Archived 2011-07-18 at the Wayback Machine), at the Instytut Książki ("Books Institute") website , "Bibliography" sections, retrieved March 1, 2010
- ^ Web page titled "Übersicht erschienener Jahrbücher" Archived 2011-07-17 at the Wayback Machine at Fischerverlage website, retrieved February 21, 2010
- ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2007-09-30. Retrieved 2007-10-06.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) Web page titled "Haim Gouri" at the Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature Web site, accessed October 6, 2007 - ^ Hofmann, Michael, ed. (2006). Twentieth-Century German Poetry: An Anthology. Macmillan/Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
- Britannica Book of the Year 1980 ("for events of 1979"), published by Encyclopædia Britannica 1980 (source of many items in "Works published" section and rarely in other sections)
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