A poster is crucial to the promotion of a film or drama. It is where an artist can truly express the essence of their work. The more visually appealing a poster is, the more audiences it will attract. Many historical posters have become classic works of art due to their accurate representation and memorability. This month's gallery spotlights an array of featured pictures of historical film and drama posters, coming from the United States, Indonesia, and Italy. They are all in the public domain, which shows how great open access is artistically.
Three Friends, by Cleveland : A.B.C. Co
Island of Lost Men poster, by artist(s) of The Other Company
Plan 9 from Outer Space poster, by Tom Jung
Queen Christina poster, by employee(s) of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Poster promoting an Indian rope trick performance, by Otis Lithograph Co.
New Moon poster, by Tooker Litho Co.
The Sandow Trocadero Vaudevilles at Florenz Ziegfeld Jr., by the Strobridge Lithographing Company
Barnum and Bailey poster, by the Strobridge Lithographing Company
Flyer for Pahit-Pahit Manis, by the Banteng Film Company
Magazine advertisement for Panggilan Darah, by Oriental Film
Promotional flyer for Lagu Kenangan, by the Persari Film Corporation
Promotional flyer for Supir Istimewa, by the Persari Film Corporation
Magazine advertisement for Ratna Moetoe Manikam, by Java Industrial Film
Magazine advertisement for Poesaka Terpendam, by Tan's Film
1896 poster advertising the Vitascope, by the Metropolitan Print Company
Quo Vadis poster, by The National Ptg. & Eng. Co.
Quo Vadis poster, by The National Ptg. & Eng. Co.
State Fair poster, by the Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
- Adam Cuerden
- Crisco 1492
- Centpacrr
- Ottojul
- Durova
- CillanXC
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