Music fans prefer Wikipedia to MySpace
Music fans prefer Wikipedia to MySpace - Social networking sites like MySpace would be likely candidates for being the most popular sites to turn to for information about bands, but results from Yahoo show that Wikipedia is preferred by a ratio of more than two-to-one. This is in spite of the fact that the "tens of thousands" of Wikipedia band entries pale in comparison with the millions of MySpace entries. Wikipedia's advantage lies in the fact that it's "so clear, so concise, and it's standardized", and is not promotional.
Other mentions
Other recent mentions in the online press include:
- Wikipedia Questions Paths to More Money – More coverage this week about whether Wikipedia could and should get more revenue, and its relationship with venture capitalists.
- Al Gore, Internet experts to explore First Amendment – Jimmy Wales joins Al Gore and others to discuss relationship between the First Amendment and the Internet.
- How to Be a Model Wikipedia Contributor – This is a guide on how to begin to edit Wikipedia written by someone who was stung on her first encounter with editing on Wikipedia.
- They're trying to put the blame on beer – The top ten signs that someone bought their Wikipedia entry (humour).
- Newsmax's Kessler Scrubs Reference To His Obama Factual Blunder From His Wiki Page – Journalist Ronald Kessler is guilty of editing his own Wikipedia article, supposedly in a bid to remove left-wing bias.
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