Eight months after launch, Citizendium is still evolving but has not reached a critical mass of participation. The project is a wiki encyclopedia led by Larry Sanger, which distinguishes itself from Wikipedia with "gentle expert oversight" and the use of real names by its contributors. It received a flurry of media attention in October and November 2006, but generated only modest publicity for the site's public opening in March 2007.
The site is now averaging less than 200 article edits per day and has approximately 2400 live articles; by comparison, Conservapedia ("the conservative encyclopedia you can trust") generates about 1000 article edits per day and has produced about 15,000 articles since going live in November 2006. Because of its real names policy and verification process for new users, however, Citizendium has virtually no vandalism and little disruptive behavior. According to Citizendium's statistics page, new article creation has held steady at about twelve per day over the last two months.
Between July 12 and July 19, the project added about two new "Citizens" per day. The influx of new users has fallen considerably each month since March. Citizendium's registration process is much more demanding than that of many other wiki encyclopedias, and is currently done via email. On the Citizendium blog Sanger recently reported a backlog of dozens of account requests; nearly two dozen accounts were added between July 20 and July 22. Sanger has promised a 24-hour turnaround for future account requests. Delay between account request and account creation likely accounts for the significant disparity between the number of new accounts added each month and the number of users making their first edit (in recent months between one half and one third of the number of new accounts).
Though intended as an open content project, Citizendium has yet to decide on an appropriate license for its original content. In policy discussion on the Citizendium forums and on-wiki, some users favored the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) (which would make original Citizendium content compatible with Wikipedia), while others preferred a Creative Commons license, possibly one that excludes commercial use. There has been little discussion about licensing since early June. Citizendium requires content derived from Wikipedia articles to be listed under the GFDL, with a link back to the Wikipedia source.
Citizendium began as a "progressive fork" of Wikipedia, from a Fall 2006 database dump, and many of its articles still bear the imprint of their Wikipedia origins. In January, Sanger ordered the deletion of all Wikipedia articles that had not been substantially modified by Citizens. However, after the unmodified Wikipedia articles were purged, many users added up-to-date Wikipedia content without acknowledging the source. This has created a challenge in identifying all Wikipedia-derived content, some of which has changed substantially from its original form.
Approved articles
Citizendium features a process of approval, by which articles are certified as factually correct and balanced by individual editors or groups of editors with relevant professional expertise. As of July 22, when most of the research for this article was completed, Citizendium had thirty-one Approved articles. Of these, seventeen are wholly original Citizendium content, five are identified as containing Wikipedia content, five are derived from Wikipedia articles but unattributed as such (or were unattributed until recently), and four contain similar content to their Wikipedia counterparts but were released separately to Citizendium by the main contributors.
As on Wikipedia, the production of Citizendium original articles ranges from single-authorship (often with minor copyediting by others) to coordinated collaboration among a number of writers. One of the project's strengths is in the life sciences; twelve of the thirty-one Approved articles fall under the Biology Workgroup, with two more classified as Health Sciences. The first Approved article, Biology, is a concise and well-written historical introduction to the field of biology, but is perhaps better compared to Wikipedia's History of biology than the field/discipline-oriented Biology. Life is a collaborative project like "Biology"; this article is one of several that are longer and more heavily referenced than the corresponding Wikipedia articles (see Life).
Other Citizendium originals that contain more prose and/or citations than Wikipedia's include: Ancient Celtic music (see Celtic music); Contraception (medical methods) (see Birth control); Frederick Twort (see Frederick Twort); Horizontal gene transfer (see Horizontal gene transfer); Infant colic (see Baby colic); and Tux (see Tux). One Approved article, Telephone newspaper, has no Wikipedia counterpart.
Citizendium articles, and Approved articles in particular, represent a different editing philosophy than that of high-quality Wikipedia articles. In general, Citizendium editors strive to be more concise, and to present each article as a whole work rather than a jumping off point for related articles. Citizendium also encourages less use of inline citations ("a more sensible approach to citing sources"), explicitly relying instead on the knowledge and authority of its named editors for anything that is "common knowledge among experts". As Citizendium aims for gentle introductions rather than exhaustive discussions, the prose is more informal than Wikipedia's.
For example, Complex number is shorter than Wikipedia's Complex number, with a much simpler structure. It includes a numerical example of complex arithmetic, but leaves out many of the specific applications and properties discussed in the Wikipedia article. Overall, it is geared toward someone who is completely unfamiliar with the concept, whereas Wikipedia's article is organized so that more advanced readers can easily jump to the specific details they need.
Forks of Chiropractic and Vertebral subluxation—spearheaded on Citizendium by practicing chiropractor D. Matt Innis, who had also worked on them as Dematt on Wikipedia—evolved considerably from the Wikipedia versions of Chiropractic and Vertebral subluxation. Most of the exact Wikipedia prose has been replaced in these two articles, except for short phrases, though much of the original structure remains. However, they are listed as Citizendium originals because of the central role Innis played in the Wikipedia versions. Many of the citations were trimmed out over the course of the articles' Citizendium life, and a number of editors worked on them in addition to Innis. The Approved version in each case represent a compromise between a chiropractor and several physicians.
The five Approved articles that are acknowledged as Wikipedia-based (Barbara McClintock, Chemistry, DNA, Dog, and Wheat) have all changed since forking from the Wikipedia versions (mostly ca. September 2006), but Wikipedia has outpaced Citizendium in terms of added citations in each case since the fork.
History of Pittsburgh, primarily written by Wikipedian Tom Cool and uploaded to Citizendium by Cool, was split into two articles (Pittsburgh before and since 1800) and received some copyediting, but the content is largely unchanged from the Wikipedia version.
The remaining five Approved articles were originally based on Wikipedia articles, but were unmarked as such. They retain varying degrees of the original prose and structure. For one of the articles (Félix d'Hérelle), the lack of attribution was a clerical oversight (since corrected), as the versions before Approval were correctly marked. The main author of John Franklin claims that all remaining Wikipedia prose was originally contributed by him (former Wikipedian Profrap); however, some prose by others (for example, from this contribution by Blainster) remains in the article. Unattributed content from Wikipedia's bacteriophage also appears in the Citizendium version.
Finally, unattributed forks of Metabolism and RNA interference (see Metabolism and RNA interference) had similar outcomes to the five attributed Wikipedia articles: they have expanded and changed, but less so than the Wikipedia versions (both of which are now Featured Articles). Particularly substantial work went into both versions of "metabolism", the last common ancestor of which was hardly more than a stub.
Discuss this story
On 2007-07-24, Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2007-07-30/Citizendium analysis was linked from Heise Online, a high-traffic website. (Traffic)
All prior and subsequent edits to the article are noted in its revision history.
Hi Ragesoss,
Mike Johnson from Citizendium here. I thought this was an interesting article with generally true and interesting facts. I liked the amount of article research and writing style analysis that went into it. However, the general tone of it seems vaguely hostile towards Citizendium (in certain places unfairly so)-- I realize this isn't an encyclopedia article, and perhaps it's none of my business, but perhaps more could be done to make it NPOV?
The main reasons why I feel this article is sometimes vaguely hostile is word choice, the choices made of what aspects and issues to mention and not mention, and the choice of comparison to Wikipedia-6.5-years-in, not Wikipedia-8-months-in. I do, however, believe the article is written in complete good faith(!).
One thing I would direct you to if you're doing research on what's going on at Citizendium is our main mailing list. I think a lot of interesting project discussion goes on and frankly, some exciting plans have been expressed on Citizendium-L. Some of the cool things that'll hit in the next few weeks include
- A semi-automated registration system which should eliminate our application backlog and allow us to add users much more quickly (this should significantly change our numbers-- registration has been our bottleneck) ;
- A lot of really neat initiatives we've started to call "Citizendium 2.0" (hey, not my choice of name. :) ;
- The "Eduzendium" project.
Those are my thoughts. In the end, I see Wikipedia and Citizendium as complementary sister projects (and I really like both of them, for different reasons). The rising tide of getting more people involved in more wiki models lifts all boats. I hope many Wikipedians take that view, as well. --Johnsonmx 15:05, 20 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
(after edit conflict:) A few things I noticed when I read the article:
I think you should make it clear that this article is largely your own opinion. I do agree with most of the points you're making. Citizendium does not seem to be failing, but it doesn't really seem to take off either. It gives me the impression of growing linearly, compared to the exponential growth of Wikipedia. Eugène van der Pijll 16:44, 20 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
First a note to other readers: the post at the top referred to an earlier draft of this essay, & Sage toned down the language a little in later drafts.
Eugene's link to Citizendium's statistics page is worth following. One datum it reports -- & if I were Larry Sanger I'd be concerned about -- is a steady drop-off in new contributors. Even after ignoring the February spike in new accounts, since April there has been a steady decrease in new accounts, active users, and edits. This is a problem I honestly do not want to see Citizendium have: Wikipedia has its own problem with Expert retention, & I would rather not think that we are doing the best job possible.
A last note: that observation that Nancy Sculerati was deleted is very troubling for the reasons you state, Sage. Have you verified with Sanger that it was deleted & not just moved to an "inactive user" area? (The reason it could not be found might be due to an error in updating the necessary links.) Because it is a troubling point, I encourage you to verify this fact. -- llywrch 17:35, 20 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Hit job
This frankly reads much more like a hit job than objective, verifiable fact-based reporting.
Also, if the following is true:
I'd like to see the hard facts of this so it can be corrected rather than the mere charge.
Stephen Ewen 21:40, 20 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Stephen Ewen 22:01, 20 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Please see my post at Sage's blog at http://ragesossscholar.blogspot.com/2007/07/citizendium-struggles-to-reach-critical.html Stephen Ewen 05:40, 21 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Nancy Sculerati
For more info, see this post. That was a while ago though, not sure if it's related to the current event.
Also, the automatic account request software should be on testbed, and then live soon. It is basically an extension of mine I whipped up recently. Voice-of-All 07:34, 21 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Chiropractic articles
Hello Ragesoss, I wanted to thank you for your comments on the Chiropractic and Vertebral subluxation articles. I think you are as accurate as you can possibly get without actually interviewing the authors and editors. I do hope your readers understand that there were countless others that helped to bring the Citizendium article to the level that it is. I am just the editor that nominated it for approval because I felt that it represented something that I could stand behind. I am not sure, but you might want to mention that I also edited the article here with some excellent quality people. Also, although I am honored to be mentioned alone, Chiropractic was actually approved using the three editor process (similar to the peer review process) which included Professor Gareth Leng and Nancy Sculerati, MD; both well qualified in their fields of medicine and neurophysiology. Before the article was approved, it was vetted by others who checked the copyright status of images, copyedited for spelling, and made suggestions for us to help clarify our thoughts, formatted references, etc., etc.. It was a really good example of collaboration with 'gentle expert guidance'.
I don't think I have to tell you that Chiropractic can be a controversial subject, but put together in the atmosphere that Larry set up, made it a pleasure to work with professionals with more qualifications than myself and be treated with the respect that everyone deserves. This is really quite a unique vision that Larry had to make these articles as neutral as possible and reliable enough that they could be used for education purposes at any level. Being an editor here at wikipedia, I hope to one day see that Citizendium develops to the point where it is reliable and verifiable enough to be referenced here on wikipedia. Then we truly will see a world with an encyclopedia that 'everyone can edit' with 'gentle guidance from experts'. Cheers to you! ---- Dēmatt (chat) 03:11, 22 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I looked at the CZ and WP Chiropractic articles a while in light of Sage's very serious charge that the CZ article is "unattributed" from WP.
The above phrase is found within the CZ article,[2] with a an upload date of 23 October 2006[3]
The above phrase is currently contained within the WP Chiropractic article - the phrase's upload date is 9 April 2006
The person who added that phrase to the WP article is User:AED, see here. He is NOT a CZ contributor, as far as I know, certainly not one of the three approving editors of the CZ article, Matt Inis DC, Gareth Lang PhD, and Nancy Sculeratti MD.
Note that when one Googles the phrase, "Chiropractic was founded in 1895 by Daniel David Palmer," one receives 26 hits on it from a good variety of sources.
This leads to the questions:
Did User:AED steal it too? Or is this phrase common knowledge? Is it de minimus irrespective?
Obviously, the phrase is common knowledge; yet, it appears this is the sort of thing Sage is charging against three Citizendium editors and the CZ project as a violation of WP copyright.
Sage, you need to be extremely careful about publishing something that charges real-named people, who have real reputations that can be harmed, with violating someone's copyright within a publication of theirs. This is a very serious charge to make. And clearly the charge in this instance is not true.
Stephen Ewen 07:34, 22 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Eugene, I heartily echo Matt's sentiments to you.
Also, it seems you are referencing my blogpost[6]; since the link to it here is a bit buried by now and readers may miss it, I am going to copy it below:
Sage, you mentioned things about the tone of your piece.
There is another tone you are setting that you might not be aware of that has caused me significant concern as a Citizendium contributor--and I think Wikipedians should be equally concerned about it.
Because your piece is working to set a very poor tone in a relationship. It is a tone that is beneficial to neither project.
Your piece seems to assume:
I had hoped a different tone would be set, one that accounts for WP:NOT#BATTLEGROUND and that realistically assumes several things:
I hope you will do your part to set that sort of tone, not the one currently in your piece. You have my assurance that, for my part, I will.
Stephen Ewen
Just a few suggestions how to balance your interpretation/selection of stats.
Why not compare CZ directly to Wikipedia? After reading CZ:Statistics you know that with a "launch bonus" CZ human resources, as of April, were slightly bigger than those of an average 25000 entries Wikipedia. Now it declined to about 3/4 of that last.
Furthermore, you discuss in details the page creation rate. This seems to oblige to mention that CZ does not encourage creating tiny stubs and actually has more developed ("almost complete") articles than stubs (these developed articles were actively edited (they are "CZ Live"), not just imported from WP).
Furthermore, there are explicit differences in culture that can be seen in policies (e.g. 0 unexplained revert rule, professionalism). So CZ members discuss content more than WP ones ;-) In fact, the CZ has significantly higher discussion rate (ratio talk edits /total edits) than a typical Wikipedia. Remember also that the project in its early phase is devoted to create the core of its policies, structures etc., which generate relatively many pages not in the mainspace. Shouldn't you explain this when chosing the mainspace modifications (number of edits daily, page creation rate) for analyse?
Hope this helps.
Yours in discourse, Megavat 22:56, 24 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Citizendium's approval process already overlooked a "big error"
I think the article should note, in discussing the Complex number article, that this is an example where Citizendium's approval process has already let a simple but fatal error slip though.
The approved article stated the following basic property of the exponential function (one of the most important formulas in algebra) wrongly:
is the correct formula)
This is not a mere typo. It is a plausible looking but very wrong formula, a typical pitfall for students, the kind of thing which could get a beginner stuck for hours if he encounters it in a supposedly reliable text and tries to make sense of it.
This error had been in the article since April 3, 2007, it survived for more than five weeks, and 168 edits by 11 different editors (Greg Woodhouse, Jitse Niesen, David W Gillette, Sébastien Moulin, Aleksander Stos, David Tribe, Fredrik Johansson, Michael Hardy, Robert Tito, Catherine Woodgold, Jared Grubb) left it untouched until it was finally corrected on May 10 - three days after the article had been approved by an editor of Citizendium's Mathematics Workgroup on May 7.
It is also interesting to observe in detail how the correction finally came about. According to the discussion on the article's talk page, the person who discovered the error (a user named Etienne Parizot who has made just two edits in Citizendium so far) only corrected it in the "draft" version, a separate page - obviously not being allowed to edit the "approved" article. Fortunately, this edit caught the attention of another user (Jitse Niesen) who notified the "Approval editor" Nancy Sculerati. He too was not daring to correct the error himself, but was obviously feeling a sense of urgency and was thinking of ways to get the correction into the article despite the "approval" freeze:
The Approval Editor (Nancy Sculerati) then sent an email to the user who had nominated the article for approval (Greg Martin) and after he agreed, she finally made the correction. In the meantime, another user, D. Matt Innis, had been bold and commented the approval tag out - only to restore it to the still-faulty article soon afterwards [7], presumably because of Nancy Sculerati's concern, who later called this out-of-process action a "terrible precedent" (it got him into "a difficult situation" according to this comment which apparently refers to an exchange which took place on Nancy Sculerati's talk page - can't check this since meanwhile her user pages have been deleted, she has left the project).
Now this was a simple, urgent and (to anybody familiar with the matter) obvious correction, where everyone agreed, including those who had nominated the article and supported the nomination (Nielsen: "it is embarrassing and I feel responsible for it", Martin: "I certainly take responsibility for nominating the article for approval without seeing this mistake"). Still, for bureaucratical reasons, the correction had to filter through a chain of four users connected by watchlist, talk pages and email:
and on the way got another competent and well-meaning editor into "a difficult situation" with Citizendium's hierarchy.
But what about more complicated and less obvious corrections (maybe at a later time after the approval, when not everybody who was involved in the approval process is readily available)? Or in more specialized subjects? (Complex numbers are a very basic concept in mathematics, with countless well-done references readily available, and almost everybody who has studied mathematics or a related subject at university level has had to grasp it.)
One can only imagine how difficult it is to get them through Citizendium's bureaucratic jungle of Constables, Approval Editors, Approval Nominators, Approval Supporters, Citizendium Editorial council, Sysops, Citizendium Workgroups etc. (see also CZ:Approval_Process#Re-approving_revisions_to_approved_articles).
To wit, the correction on May 10 has been the last edit to the Complex number article. Several improvements on minor shortcomings made to the Draft page in May have so far been in vain.
Regards, High on a tree 14:53, 25 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I must say that I think you are right. I needed to end my involvement at CZ and did not think of these things. I have e-mailed Larry Sanger (Editor-in-Chief at CZ) and directed him to look at this page. I have indicated that, if he also agrees, he is welcome to restore a list of my publications to my CZ user page, and the archives of the user talk page. I am grateful to him that he did respect my wish to have that page be put in a format that makes it clear to viewers that I am no longer part of the project, and trust that he will find a way to modify the page so that remains clear- yet the record is still available. By the way, I just read the History of Biology here on Wikipedia, it's excellent. Nancy (I logged in to sign properly, DrSculerati 17:13, 26 July 2007 (UTC))[reply]
Several more serious errors
Above, I tried to describe an error debate which had already happened on CZ in an NPOV way, without judging the rest of the text myself, and drew some tentative personal conclusions from it. I have now had a closer look at the article and I was quite appalled to find several more serious mathematical errors myself, which have survived for a quarter of a year in one of Citizendium's "flagship" articles. With apologies to Ragesoss (this becoming a bit off-topic here, since it is a follow-up to the discussion on CZ's approval process above, rather than still a suggestion for something to to include into the article), I am describing them here, in addition to some minor shortcomings.
To say something positive first: Overall, the article is well written. A lot of care has been put in the exact wording of several statements. As Ragesoss has noticed, it is much less comprehensive than Wikipedia's complex number, but many readers might actually be grateful for that. The writing style is a bit chatty and slightly patronizing at times - put positively, a bit more pedagogical and accessible than Wikipedia's.
Now for the errors and shortcomings:
Regards, High on a tree 01:14, 31 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
News from Citizendium: companion piece
Hi all,
My companion piece is up over at User:Johnsonmx/News_from_Citizendium. Thanks in advance for the feedback. --Johnsonmx 17:01, 29 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]