Arbitrator Dmcdevit resigned this week, after just over a year of service. In announcing his resignation on his user page, Dmcdevit thanked the community, and indicated his desire to return to editing outside the sphere of arbitration:
- On February 14, I resigned from the Wikipedia Arbitration Committee. Jimbo has already selected the replacements, and they will be made public shortly, so there is no need to worry about an open seat slowing the Committee down. I would like to thank the community for its support in selecting me, over a year ago now, and I hope to meet more of you (under happier circumstances than arbitration) now that I'll have more time for general editing. :-)
In an IRC interview, Raul654 said that Jimbo's appointments had been posted to the Arbitration Committee's mailing list, and "barring unforeseen complications, an announcement should be coming [Tuesday] on new arbitrators."
The new Arbitrators were announced on Friday. Mackensen, who had briefly served on the Committee following his election to a one-year term in the January 2006 elections but resigned the following month, will take Dmcdevit's seat, which expires in December of this year. Essjay, meanwhile, who has been a bureaucrat since March 2006, will also serve until the end of this year.
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- No announcement has been made yet. Smokizzy 13:11, 22 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Announcement made. Essjay and Mackensen. Trebor 22:46, 23 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]