News and announcements

- There were 151 new articles in July 2011.
- There were 132 new articles in August 2011.
- There were 114 new articles in September 2011.
On the Main Page

Several video game articles appeared on Wikipedia's Main Page between July and September 2011. Congratulations to the contributing editors!
The following were Today's featured article on the following dates:
Facts from the following articles appeared on the Main Page's Did you know? section:
- Capcom Five, September 10
- Myth III: The Wolf Age, September 8
- Desktop Dungeons, September 6
- Borderlands 2, September 4
- Free-to-play, August 26
- EteRNA, August 14
- Slalom (video game), August 11
- Beep (video game), August 6
- 8-4, July 26
- Nickelodeon Fit, July 16
- Music of Nier, July 14
- Operation Rainfall, July 5