This is an index of Middle-earth and J. R. R. Tolkien-related images on Wikipedia.


After the description of each image is a letter in parentheses describing the copyright status of the image.

P - 'Public domain' - The image may be used anywhere.
F = 'Fair use' - The image is may be used only to illustrate articles (i.e. not templates, user pages, et cetera) on subjects clearly related to the image. Please read Wikipedia:Fair Use.

Tolkien images

Tolkien Family Photos

Tolkien places

See Commons:Category:Places connected with J. R. R. Tolkien

Covers of books by Tolkien

First US edition of The Hobbit (F) First edition of The Hobbit (1937) (F) The Hobbit (1996) (F) Leaf by Niggle (F) The Adventures of Tom Bombadil (F) The Monsters and the Critics

Covers of other books

Atlas of Middle-earth (F) - Bewowulf and the Critics (F) - The Complete Guide to Middle-earth (1978) (F) A Guide to Middle-earth (1971) (F) J. R. R. Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator (F) Journeys of Frodo (F) - Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien {F) The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion (F) - Mallorn (Journal) #23 (F Tolkien: A Biography (F) Tolkien Studies Vol. 1 (F) Tolkien's Legendarium (F)

Collecting The Hobbit

HMCoFirstEdSecondPrintTitle.jpg (F)

Tolkien's languages


Cirth (F)

Tengwar inscriptions

See Commons:Category:Rendered texts in Tengwar

Location maps

See Commons:Category:Maps of Middle Earth.

Film slipcase covers and posters and logos

The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring OST cover.jpg (F) Fotrcdcr-cover.jpg (F) LOTRTTTmovie.jpg (F) Ent.jpg (F)

Merchandise, games and other objects

Sword.jpg (F) Glamdring.jpg(F)

New Line Cinema movie images

See Category:The Lord of the Rings (film series) images - these are all non-free, so can only be used with (additional) Non-Free Usage Rationales for each additional usage: few such usages will meet the existing criteria for "fair use".

New Line Cinema film actors

New Line Cinema film crew

New Line Cinema film props and costume exhibit

Store windows at Neiman Marcus, Beverly Hills, December 2003

Ralph Bakshi movie images


See Category:The Lord of the Rings (1978 film) images - use with NFUR only

Rankin Bass movie images

See Category:The Return of the King (1980 film) images - use with NFUR only

Middle-earth games

See Category:Games based on Middle-earth

See Category:Middle-earth music

Tolkien artists

See Category:Tolkien artists

Illustrations by artists

See Category:Middle-earth images

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