Mammals taxobox

How to use:

Other taxoboxes

For domestic breeds, named individuals (e.g. racehorses) etc:

Category:Animal infobox templates

Stub templates

Stub templates and example articles
Template Article
{{Akodon-stub}} Azara's Grass Mouse
{{Alticola-stub}} Alticola
{{Arvicolinae-stub}} Afghan Vole
{{carnivora-stub}} Abyssinian Genet
{{Cricetidae-stub}} Allen's Wood Rat
{{Echimyidae-stub}} Amazon Bamboo Rat
{{erinaceomorpha-stub}} Afghan Hedgehog
{{eventoedungulate-stub}} Alcelaphus
{{Fruit-bat-stub}} Acerodon
{{Geomyidae-stub}} Alcorn's Pocket Gopher
{{Gerbillinae-stub}} Boehm's Gerbil
{{Gerbillus-stub}} Agag Gerbil
{{Grammomys-stub}} Arid Thicket Rat
{{Heteromyidae-stub}} Agile Kangaroo Rat
{{leafnosed-bat-stub}} Waterhouse's Leaf-nosed Bat
{{Lagomorph-stub}} Abyssinian Hare
{{marsupial-stub}} Aceramarca Gracile Opossum
{{Maxomys-stub}} Bartels's Spiny Rat
{{Meriones-stub}} Arabian Jird
{{Microtus-stub}} Alpine Pine Vole
{{Murinae-stub}} Abyssinian Grass Rat
{{muroid-stub}} Ankole Mole Rat
{{Mus-stub}} Algerian Mouse
{{Neotoma-stub}} Anthony's Woodrat
{{Oligoryzomys-stub}} Pygmy rice rat
{{Otomys-stub}} Angolan Vlei Rat
{{Oxymycterus-stub}} Argentine Hocicudo
{{paleo-carnivora-stub}} Arctodus
{{paleo-eventoedungulate-stub}} Bison occidentalis
{{Paleo-mammal-stub}} Smilodontini
{{Peromyscus-stub}} Angel Island Mouse
{{Praomys-stub}} Cameroon Praomys
{{Pseudomys-stub}} Shark Bay Mouse
{{Rattus-stub}} Andaman Rat
{{Rhipidomys-stub}} Broad-Footed Climbing Mouse
{{Squirrel-stub}} Abert's Squirrel
{{Sigmodon-stub}} Allen's Cotton Rat
{{Sigmodontinae-stub}} Alfaro's Rice Rat
{{soricomorpha-stub}} Aberdare Mole Shrew
{{Vespertilionidae-stub}} Abo Bat


Because mammal taxonomy is constantly being revised and debated, there is no single "correct" taxonomy. In order to minimize inconsistencies and conflicts, this project generally defers to Mammal Species of the World: Third Edition (MSW3) as a taxonomic reference, unless it is superseded by an opinion of the ICZN such as the naming of domesticated species. Other exceptions may be made, however, for newly discovered species or taxonomic revisions with significant scientific consensus. For any exceptions to MSW3, please discuss on the relevant talk pages before making changes.

Talk pages

Place {{WikiProject Mammals}} at the top of an article's talk page. This will help direct editors to this page for guidance. As monotremes and marsupials already have their own template, this can be placed alongside the other or not at all.

In general, mammal entries should have taxoboxes. This is something we have inherited from the Tree of Life WikiProject, and is standard. If you don't know how to use a taxobox then leave a message on this talk page or the article's talk page.

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