The 6th New York City Meetup event was held on Sunday March 16, 2008 in the Columbia University area.

One purpose of the event was to help prepare for our big Wikipedia Takes Manhattan event on Friday March 28 rescheduled to Friday April 4th.

This was the third of the meetups with a session dedicated to discussing meta:Wikimedia New York City issues.

What, Where, When, and How?

There will be one public meeting in the afternoon at Columbia's Pupin Hall, where we can take further steps to organize the Wikimedia New York City local chapter.

Additionally, there will be optional post-meeting social activities at a local restaurant and (providing weather is OK) an observing session with telescopes on the roof of Pupin Hall.

Watch this space for future possible changes. And please watchlist this page.

Main public meeting (to discuss Wikipedia issues and chapter formation):

  • 1402 Pupin Hall, Columbia University. Take the elevator to the 13th floor and then walk up one flight of stairs. Meeting to be held in the library at the east end of the hall. 2:30 PM - 5:00PM

Optional post-meeting meetup

  • Meetup at Pupin Hall, and then walk together to The Symposium, a Greek restaurant. After the restaurant, we can return to Pupin Hall for an observing session with the telescopes on the roof weather permitting. 5:00 PM onwards.

Late arrival info and Transportation

If you plan on arriving late, and are concerned about not finding your way to the group, you can drop your mobile phone number ahead of time at Special:Emailuser/Pharos (e-mail will not be able to be checked during the actual meetup time, leave requests ahead of time).

Nearby subway stations:

Other possibilities

There is a possibility of other activities being planned for the period before the main meeting at Pupin Hall, Columbia University at 2:30 PM. Specifically, there is the possibility of a Wikipedian-oriented tour of the Columbia University libraries. (Unfortunately, a tour of the libraries couldn't be worked out, because it's a Sunday and it's their break period.)

Any other suggestions of pre-meeting activities would be welcomed.

  • Perhaps some Columbia alums at the meeting can give the others a quick tour of the campus? I'd have volunteered, but unfortunately I have found out that I cannot attend this one.  :( -- Ssilvers (talk) 06:14, 9 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Please check back for further updates.


Bring your own ideas!

DGG's Presentation on Librarian's Guide

FWIW, my outline is at User:DGG/LG. There is no text & no slides. I do an impromptu selection from it, as the whole thing would take half a day. Is there any part of it people would like me to to talk about briefly?

The reactions of your fellow librarians to learning how Wikipedia works might be most interesting. How were their opinions reinforced or changed during the course of a presentation?--Pharos (talk) 23:31, 6 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Good idea, that would be fascinating. Also, possibly their reactions and thoughts as to the veracity and usefulness of WP as a research tool. — Becksguy (talk) 16:14, 12 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]
will do, but dont expect anything spectacularDGG (talk) 05:47, 16 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

This meeting will be a great opportunity to prepare for our Friday March 28 rescheduled to Friday April 4 Wikipedia Takes Manhattan project with Columbia Free Culture. There should be at least one representative of Columbia Free Culture at the meeting, too.

Meeting Signup List - Likely, Possible, and Regrets

Likely attendees

Possible attendees


Report on the Meet-up


Attendees of record

Wikipedians/Wikimedians, from the sign-up sheet. May be incomplete.
Other guests

Chapter formation

The Wikimedia Foundation Chapters Committee has some draft proposals on having local chapters in the US for the first time, and once these are approved, we can apply for Wikimedia New York City to form an "affiliate" chapter, an informally-organized group that would not need to be registered as a non-profit.

Content projects

There are discussions ongoing with the Yiddish encyclopedia copyright owners, and with another group that has digitized the books. A possible Brooklyn Museum project is still waiting for the digitization of their collection; another contact has been made there who can possibly help us.

Wikipedia Takes Manhattan

Our Wikipedia Takes Manhattan event is Friday March 28 (Raindate: Saturday March 29) rescheduled to Friday April 4.

We'll have to finalize the Wikipedia:Wikipedia Takes Manhattan/Targets list by Wednesday March 26; please add your suggestions!

Participation in the photo contest will be open to all (including Wikipedians), and the starting points will be manned all day.

There won't really be volunteers needed, except for the party at 11 PM at Columbia when we need to rush to upload and tally all the pictures. And of course, you can just enjoy the party, which will be a great celebration of Wikipedia and free culture, and a fun introduction for many to contributing to Wikipedia.

If we start stubs for red links on List of Registered Historic Places in New York County, New York (or for the other boroughs), they can be added to the target list.

For timely updates, subscribe to the Wikimedia NYC mailing list.

Wikipedia Academy

There is a strong possibility for a Wikipedia Academy event in collaboration with Columbia Free Culture, to be held sometime after "Wikipedia Takes Manhattan".

User:Frank Schulenburg organized the Wikipedia Academy events in Germany, and can help advising us on our event. However, we're probably going to be much smaller-scale than the German ones, at least to start.

Still, this is an event that would require significant numbers of Wikipedian volunteers. We might have two or three computer lab classrooms full of 20 students each, and we'll need two volunteers for each class. We discussed taking an approach of teaching by experience, by engaging the students in an article-writing drive.

Other chapter business

Outside events we might be interested in participating in are Story Jam New York March 28-30 (same weekend as "Wikipedia Takes Manhattan") (no longer now that WTM is rescheduled), and PodCamp NYC April 25-26.

A suggestion was raised for bidding for Wikimania 2010; if we ever make a bid, Columbia would seem a likely venue.

A non-ideological in-person think tank-type approach might be a way for our group to contribute proposals for policy reforms, but we'd have to be very transparent about it.

David Shankbone on Wikinews

User:David Shankbone discussed his work, the need to have a comprehensive User page to do it, the role Wikinews can play with Wikipedia, and its implications for content and Wikipedians.

He also encouraged others to follow his example, and take advantage of the many opportunities for interviews in our culture-saturated city. The primary point Shankbone made was that Wikipedia, for the first time, has given the common person a vehicle by which to interact with the people and things that shape the world. Shankbone pointed out that he is a nobody who, through his work on Wikipedia and Wikinews, met, photographed and interviewed some of the most influential people in the world. He pointed out that in the past, such work was the sole provenance of professional writers.

DGG on Librarians' criteria for reliability

User:DGG presented his Librarian's view of Wikipedia and Reliability, how Wikipedia currently falls way short of being a considered fully reliable by the conventional criteria used by librarians, and how this might (or might not) change in future; the most difficult problem is lack of personal responsibility for the article as a whole.

Gmaxwell on New pages patrol feature

User:Gmaxwell took the opportunity to introduce us all to the Wikipedia:New pages patrol/patrolled pages feature, which is being under-utilized.

Other interesting conversations and happenings

User:Mindspillage graciously gave out real-life barnstars to everyone! We also got a bucket-load of them to save for future participants in "Wikipedia Takes Manhattan".

Eva discussed how the Chinese Wikipedia became a unique forum for discussion between different parts of the Chinese world, and how the blocking of Wikipedia behind the Great Firewall has hurt that discussion. See her article for BusinessWeek.

Post-Meetup Dinner

Dinner at The Symposium went off well again.

Unfortunately, it was too cloudy to use the telescopes on the roof of Pupin Hall that night.


By Nightscream

Of the 50 or so pics I took, I ended up saving only 31 one of them. Here are 20 of them. The rest are in the Commons in the Meetups in New York City category. I'm bushed, so maybe someone else here can add the captions. Enjoy! Nightscream (talk) 06:30, 20 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

To add your name, just put it under the image below, deleting "add names". -- Ssilvers (talk) 17:20, 21 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]
And don't add any names but your own! 07:32, 22 March 2008 (UTC)

Media coverage

Eva reported on our meeting in a Chinese language blog.

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