A good topic is a collection of inter-related articles that are of a good quality (though not all are featured articles). A good topic represents Wikipedia's quality-rated content by thoroughly covering all parts of that topic through several good articles that share a similar structure and are well-linked with each other.
To become part of the topic, a topic must meet a set of criteria, meaning that all articles included in a good topic must be of Good Article-quality or higher, and all lists included in the topic must be featured list-quality. Good topics are nominated and discussed at the Wikipedia:Featured and good topic candidates page, where they are either accepted or rejected. Additions to existing good topics are also discussed there. Do not add an article directly to a good topic without nominating it first.
There are currently 455 good topics that encompass 4,358 unique articles. There are 156 articles in two good topics, 8 articles in a featured topic and a good topic, 1 article in two featured topics and a good topic, and 6 articles in three good topics.
indicates that the article has lost its good or featured article status, or was previously an audited article of limited subject matter, but no longer is (only in the case of a topic under grace period).