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Kolmapäev, märts 12, 2025
Automatic or Manually Assisted:Authomatic in the interwiki mode
Programming Language(s):Python
Function Summary:interwiki.py, replace.py
Edit period(s) :Daily
Edit rate requested: 5 edits per minute
Already has a bot flag (Y/N):N
Function Details: Interwiki.py: add/update/remove interwikis; Replace.py: Fix double redirects
These are 2 different requests. These should be put into 2 separate tasks. Soxred93 has a boring sig 00:44, 24 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Approved. – a little over twenty-five edits, and a little faster than two edits/minute. Please keep to the specified edit rate for this task (five edits/minute). — madman bum and angel 02:18, 25 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]