In Taiwan, all motor vehicles are required to register and display vehicle registration plates issued and managed by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MoTC). The plates feature combinations of Latin alphabet (A to Z), Arabic numerals (0 to 9) and dashes (–). Certain special types also incorporate Chinese characters. Unique license plates are issued for imported cars.[1]

Types of number plates

Taiwan's current number plate system utilizes Latin letters and Arabic numerals. There various types of number plates include:

Ordinary vehicles Temporary or testing Special usage
No. Name Chinese No. Name Chinese No. Name Chinese
1 Plate of heavy vehicles 大型汽車號牌 6 Temporary plate of vehicles 汽車臨時號牌 11 Plate of embassies 使字汽車號牌
2 Plate of light vehicles 小型汽車號牌 7 Temporary plate of motorcycles 機車臨時號牌 12 Plate of consulates 領字汽車號牌
3 Plate of heavy-duty motorcycles 重型機車號牌 8 Temporary plate of trailers 拖車臨時號牌 13 Plate of foreign affairs 外字汽車號牌
4 Plate of light-duty motorcycles 輕型機車號牌 9 Testing plate of vehicles 汽車試車號牌 14 Plate of power machines 動力機械牌證
5 Plate of trailers 拖車號牌 10 Testing plate of motorcycles 機車試車號牌
  • Note: The plates for military vehicles and agricultural machines are not managed by the MoTC.
  • Until 1 January 2007, plates were identified as having been issued under the jurisdiction of either Taiwan Province, Taipei City, Kaohsiung City, Kinmen County[citation needed] or Lienchiang County. Since that time, the legends identifying the place of issuance have been removed— plates display only registration numbers— but the plates are still issued separately by each jurisdiction.
  • 1992-Series License Plate is similar to North American plates: The size (320 mm × 150 mm (12.6 in × 5.9 in)) and the format. However it used "Mexico Mode" rather than "US Mode": One national numbering system, such that serials are not duplicated in multiple Jurisdiction: Taipei City issued "AD-3608", the other four jurisdiction would not issue "AD-3608" anymore. There won't be the problem that two or more jurisdictions all have "AD-3608". So the legends identifying the place of issuance is not so important. And License Plate Scanning and Identifying Systems in Taiwan also ignore it. Actually, there's a rule of numbering of different jurisdiction: such as "XY-****" can only be issued by Kaohsiung City, "WZ-****" can only be issued by Lienchiang County.
Plates issued prior to 1 January 2007, carried a legend indicating the jurisdiction of issuance—here, Taiwan Province (台灣省).
Motorcycle plate of the province of Taiwan
  • On 17 December 2012, Taiwanese government started issuing new registration plates. The main changes included adding an additional digit and enhancing the security features of the plate. Additionally, the numeral 4 is no longer used, as it is considered unlucky.

Light vehicles

A light vehicle in Taiwan is defined as a motor vehicle with a permissible maximum weight not exceeding 3,500 kg (7,700 lb), and no more than nine seats, including the driver's seat. The plate patterns and their corresponding classes are as follows:

Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Class Notes
ABC-5678 AB-0001


Ordinary light vehicles Private cars or light trucks not used for commercial uses
EBC-5678 Ordinary light electrical vehicles Private electric cars or light trucks not for commercial uses. These plates have green ridges on the top and bottom sides, with white text "電動車" on the top side.
RAA-5678 AA-6688


Rental light vehicles Cars or light trucks intended for rental use.
REA-5678 Rental light electrical vehicles Electric cars or light trucks for rental use featuring green ridges on the top and bottom sides, with white words "電動車" on the top side.
WAB-5678 Ordinary light vehicles for the disabled Private cars for the disabled
WEA-5678 Ordinary light
electrical vehicles for the disabled
Private electrical cars for the disabled. This kind of plate has green ridges on the top and bottom sides, with white words "電動車" on the top side.




Business light passenger vehicles Taxis


Electrical business light passenger vehicles Electrical taxis. This kind of plate has green ridges on the top and bottom sides, with white words "電動車" on the top side.




Business light trucks Small trucks and cargo vehicles for commercial uses. The same pattern is also applied to heavy trucks.

Heavy vehicles

The definition of a heavy vehicle in Taiwan is a motor vehicle having a permissible maximum weight exceeding 3,500 kg (7,700 lb) and/or more than nine seats, including the driver's seat.

Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Class Notes




Ordinary heavy passenger vehicles Private buses not for commercial uses


Ordinary heavy trucks Private heavy trucks not for commercial uses




Ordinary trailers Coupling with a truck.




Business heavy passenger vehicles Tour buses




Business heavy passenger vehicles Highway buses and city buses




Business heavy trucks Large trucks, cargo vehicles for commercial uses. The same pattern is also applied to light trucks.




Business trailers Coupling with a truck.


168-FN Electrical heavy passenger vehicles Electrical buses for commercial or private uses. This kind of plate has green ridges on the top and bottom sides, with white words "電動車" on the top side.


Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Class Notes


AA-01 Large heavy-duty motorcycle Motorcycles with a cubic capacity exceeding 550 cc (34 cu in),
or electric motorcycles with power more than 54 hp (40 kW).
LAB-5678 001-AAA Large heavy-duty motorcycle Motorcycles with a cubic capacity between 250 and 550 cc (15 and 34 cu in), or electric motorcycles with power between 40 and 54 hp (30 and 40 kW).
MAB-5678 AAA-001


Ordinary heavy-duty motorcycle Motorcycles with a cubic capacity between 50 and 250 cc (3.1 and 15.3 cu in), or electric motorcycles with power between 5 and 40 hp (3.7 and 29.8 kW).
QAA-5678 TAA-001


Ordinary light-duty motorcycle Motorcycles with a cubic capacity not exceeding 50 cc (3.1 cu in), or electric motorcycles with power between 1.34 and 5 hp (1.00 and 3.73 kW), or electric motorcycles with power not exceeding 1.34 hp (1.00 kW) and top speed more than 45 km/h (28 mph).
SAA-5678 AAA-001


Small light-duty motorcycle Electric motorcycles with power not exceeding 1.34 hp (1.00 kW) and the fastest speed not exceeding 45 km/h (28 mph).

Special use plates

Pattern Class Notes
使 001


Diplomatic vehicle For vehicles belonging to the foreign diplomatic missions in Taiwan.
軍A-00001 Military vehicle For military uses.


Temporary plate Printed on paper, for a vehicles before registration, or vehicles transiting the territory of Taiwan.


Testing For testing recently manufactured or imported vehicles.
機械ZA-01 Large heavy power machines For power machines weighing more than 75 tons.
機械MA-01 Heavy power machines For power machines weighing between 42 and 75 tons.
機械AA-01 Ordinary power machines For power machines weighing less than 42 tons.
A1-0001 Agricultural machines Machines for agricultural uses.

Banned combinations of characters on registration plates

The following table shows the status of the ban on certain combinations of letters and numbers on vehicle registration plates currently in circulation (bold text indicates that the combination has been banned).[2][3]

Type 1992

[Out of I/O with number (example:I2-0001)]


[Out for I/O/4]

Foul language *-G8 (生殖器) 註:G8-*未禁用,

FOP (愚蠢),
FUC, FUG, FUK, FUQ, FUT (Fuck), BC (白痴), FK (Fuck)

AGG, AGY (生殖器),

ASS (屁股)

TMD (他媽的), WTF (What the fuck)
Sex BJ (口交), BT (變態) SEX (性) AV (成人影片), GM (肛門), GT (龜頭), HC (花痴), LP (生殖器), MC (月經), ML (做愛), SJ (射精), SL (色狼), SM (虐戀), TT (保險套), YD (陰道), YJ (陰莖)
Gender, occupation and disability discrimination IQO (同IQ0,沒智商),

SEX (), TIT (乳房)

GAY (同志), ASD (自閉症) BRA (女性內衣), NUN (修女, 比丘尼), SJB (神經病)
Country or political party abbreviation KMT-* (國民黨) 註:*-KMT未禁用,

PRC (中華人民共和國) 註:*-PRC未禁用,
ROK (大韓民國)
NP (新黨)

KMT (國民黨), DPP (民進黨), FTP (自由台灣黨) MKT (民國黨), CPA (國會政黨聯盟), YSP (青年陽光黨), PDF (人民民主黨), TSP (台灣基進黨), SDP (社會民主黨), FHL (信心希望聯盟) CCP (中國共產黨), GPT (綠黨),

NPP (時代力量), PFP (親民黨), TSU (台灣團結聯盟), PKK (庫德工人黨)

Intelligence agency FBI (美國聯邦調查局),

GPU (俄羅斯聯邦國家政治保衛局)

(無) KGB (俄羅斯聯邦國家安全委員會)
Racism FOE (敵人), GOD (神) KKK (3K黨) HEZ (真主黨), NAZ (納粹)
Animal FOX (狐狸), HOG, PIG(豬),

PUG (哈巴狗), PUP (小動物)

ANT (螞蟻), APE () BUG (蟲子), CAT (), DOG ()
Other IO, OI (與五代純數字格式相似),

AC (閩南語:會死),
MC (月經), WC (廁所),
LIE (騙子), SLY (奸詐),
SON (兒子), SOS (求救訊號), 原因不明:POW (Prisoners of war), SDX

ASS (屁股),

BAD (糟糕), MAD (瘋子),
SAD (傷心),
FAT (肥胖)

BUM (無賴), CKK (死翹翹), LKK (老扣扣), RIP (息止安所), BC (白痴), CD (閩南語:死豬), FK (接近髒話fuck), JC, JS (閩南語:擠死), KC, KS (閩南語:氣死), MP (沒品), WC (廁所), ZT (豬頭), DIE-911 (影射911事件)


  1. ^ Also unofficially used by the Republic of the Congo.


  1. ^ "Information for Diplomatic Missions - Vehicles". Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan). Retrieved 2025-02-04.
  2. ^ 張愛晶 [Zhang Aijing] (2006-08-23). "ASS、G8開上街 不雅車牌滿街跑". TVBS (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Retrieved 2025-02-04.
  3. ^ 黃立翔 [Huang Lixiang] (2015-09-20). "CAT、SEX…怪車牌 不准上路". LTN (in Chinese). Retrieved 2025-02-04.
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