Asking for help with article "Verizon Communications"
Hello Ccerf, I'm reaching out to you because I see you've made some edits to the Verizon Communications article and I hope you might be able to help me. I'm an employee of Verizon, and have been working with a few editors to improve the Verizon article. Because I have a financial conflict of interest, I don't make any edits myself. Instead, I post requests at Talk:Verizon Communications and ask editors to take a look at what I've proposed. I currently have one open request there, related to an addition about tethering. Do you think you might have time to take a look and make the change in the article if my suggestion looks okay to you?
Also, there was a recent edit to the introduction of the article that introduced a typo, with the end of the first paragraph now reading "...but and incorporated in Delaware." Could you also correct this if you have a moment?
Thanks so much, VZBob (talk) 17:09, 3 July 2014 (UTC)
- This has been done. VZBob (talk) 18:27, 22 July 2014 (UTC)