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I am a retired mining engineer who has used computers continuously since 1960 and programmed engineering applications from 1961 to 1995. My main interest since late 2000 has been in the general areas of alternative medicine and sound therapy. Although I did a course in BioAcoustics in 2001, I am no longer associated or in agreement with Sound Health Inc, over a very restrictive & confidential "contract" which was initiated in 2002.

The yearly "contract", which is required of everyone who wants to be part of the BioAcoustics flock, demands that the student / researcher cede ownership of all things relating to the subject of bioacoustics and derived from the study of alleged confidential intellectual property which came from publicly available writings IMHO and from courses offered by others.

I have contributed to Talk on Talk Sharry, Wizard and other Wikipedia pages. I welcome discussion on the history and practice of sound therapy. One of my purposes is to promote discussion and development of public domain concepts and issues dealing with sound therapy. To that end, I have authored two Concepts Papers.

The concepts of sound therapy and vibrational healing have been discussed and researched by a very large number of people worldwide since the end of World War II. The amount of information is extensive, but there is a serious lack of qualified data to justify the results that are claimed in public.

My personal opinion is that the field of sound therapy specifically dealing with voice spectral analysis has been deliberately fractured by the efforts of a few individuals in an apparent attempt to "own" the field. The past actions have fragmented the efforts of many who would like to advance the field towards a protoscience and a truly useful alternative therapy.

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