NFL draft biography

College football biography

Mike Gallagher build out

There's a lot to say on this subject @Willsome429: so why don't we start by creating a story arc. The crisis is the fragility of freedom, the resolution is a new kind of strengthening of the nation, both in the community and a new, global containment.

I think it will go something like this:

1. Early life - picking up notes of MG being shaped by a)parents in caring professions (both doctors), divorce and relocation, strong connection back to Green Bay, and an early fascination with idea of freedom being fragile, and ways to protect it. (add: sounds good, just make sure you find WP:RS to support all those.)

2. Academic life - a man in the minority - as a Catholic and as a conservative in Princeton, the beginning of serious study on Eisenhower and the 40-year policy of containment. (add: yep, the Eisenhower point is great to hit on here)

3. Military service - seeing the failures of liberalism-by-force, up close, as an intelligence officer in Iraq. (add: I have next to zero experience working with military figures, but your ideas look good.)

4. Congressional service - seeing the threat to freedom, not from Islam, but from China, the need for a new 40 year plan to protect the nation. First with a new multi-decade plan to contain authoritarian threats. But also to bind the nation, taking care of veterans, vulnerable mothers, undocumented Americans. (add: he's really been pushing term limits, one of the things he ran on locally was a self-imposed limit on his own time in Congress. [1] Just make sure some of the basics are covered, like any bills he's sponsored that have gotten signed.)

5. Personal life - the community MG gathers himself into, Catholic faith, new marriage, football. (add: I don't necessarily know when he moved back to Green Bay, so finding a source for that would be great)

Feel free to build on that! It's just a structure to hang things on. Once you've added your stuff, I'll start putting some bullet points with source articles in. Erasmus Sydney (talk) 23:51, 13 April 2020 (UTC)

@Erasmus Sydney: I've added my thoughts. Willsome429 (say hey or see my edits!) 01:53, 15 April 2020 (UTC)
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