User:Ugog Nizdast/FloatingTOC.js
This duplicate the Table of Contents and makes it float at the bottom right portion of the screen. It can be collapsed/expanded.
To implement this, add this to your common.js page (or any skin works fine):
importScript('User:Ugog Nizdast/FloatingTOC.js'); // [[User:Ugog Nizdast/FloatingTOC.js]]
To make the default position left instead of right, add
var leftDefault = true; importScript('User:Ugog Nizdast/FloatingTOC.js');
just before importScript.
Similarly, for it to be hidden or collapsed by default, add
var hideDefault = true;
To do
- Currently manually clicking too tedious and makes it rather useless in practise
- add feature (which can be disabled on the fly) where it un-collapses when scrolling/reading and collapses on mouse hover.
This script is inspired from and replaces User:Osarius/FloatingTOC.css.