I'm often reachable at beanangel300@yahoo.com Treonsverdery@gmail.com treontreon at twitter treonsverdery at AdultFriendfinder treonverdery or treonsverdery @ reddit i might make a: give to me gives it to charity "wishlist" at treonsverdery@amazon.com or treonverdery@amazon.com I have numerous technology ideas up and commented on the archive.org wayback machine previous saved pages of http://www.halfbakery.com user ID beanangel you can also view my youtube videos at user: beanangeltreon and beinganangeltreon

I strongly favor increasing human (Homo Sapiens and branch species) individual lifespan and have thought of and written online, computer, and paper notes describing numerous hundreds of new longevity technologies that i thought of that are new to me supporting multimilleneal and longer lifespan. I favor all humans (Homo Sapiens and branch species) be eternally youthful with death optional. Longevity Escape Velocity, a mathematical Transhumanist core preferred and predicted and predictable occurence, aligns with and supports all humans, persons, people that have presence of being, also described as sentience being eternally youthful while being death optional. I support the entirety of Dave Pearce' Hedonistic imperative referencing the version at http://www.hedweb.org at 8/8/2018 AD and have thought of technologies to support and grow it. I also support Dave Pearce' All living organism addressing Abolitionist Manifesto at http://www.hedweb.org.

Enough about me! I mildly and politely urge you to start a new Wikipedia page. 🌲🌳

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