
The Fascist is a right-wing thinker who vigorously denies that he harbours any left-wing tendencies. When he is not trying to mobilise the entire nation for war, he listens to the German hellfire magicians, Rammstein and sometimes also, Die Ärzte. He doesn't mind Die Prinzen or Die Toten Hosen either, and he despises all music sung in English. He dabbles in the arcane arts of historical studies and the witchcraft of linguistics and occasionally gets dragged into various theological and philosophical debates. He absolutely will not do Math or Physics and he regards the Sciences as tripe, but takes a nominal interest in Chemistry when neccessary.

Though a student in one of Singapore's best schools, he frequently expresses cyncism at many, many things.


The Fascist is still young, and has only created his account recently. He is more than willing to do any task requested of him, and will be mainly editing the Singapore-related pages.

Interests on Wikipedia

The Fascist would be glad to contribute on articles on the following subjects:

  • Linguistics
  • Politics in Singapore
  • Singlish
  • Science Fiction/Fantasy
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