![]() (with nose light off) My name is Lucas Garczewski, I'm 21 and live in Poznań, Poland. I am a 2nd year student of ethnolinguistics at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. I have used Wikipedia as a source of information for some time now, and finally felt it was time to contribute to it's further development. Which I have been doing since February 2004. I am also an active contributor to the polish Wikipedia and a a few other Wikimedia projects.
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I am a member of the Wikimedia community. I am not afraid to dream of a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. | |||||||||
About this pageYes, this is my user page. But since this is a wiki, you can boldly edit it. I trust that you'll try to make it even more reindeery and simly cooler. And that you'll respect the way it's organized. You may also want to add new items to my current tasks list, if you think I can help or should look into something. Remember to leave a short description (on the list or at my talk page, too. I am a busy reindeer so please do not use this "feature" too lightly. No reindeer was hurt in the creation of this user page. |
BeliefsThis list is meant to help others track possible NPOV breaches in my edits.
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Current tasks
InternetContactYou can reach me through:
Other Wikimedia projectsApart from the English Wikipedia, I am also active at: | ||||||||
ArticlesI am a WikiGnome and write close to no articles. I did, however, start and/or contribute largely to the following: |
LinksGeneralPersonal |
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