Ladies/Gentleman...I now present the best song ever made (@ least in some way, or so my Spidey senses...the current state of my truth machine a truth machine is a machine, that, 0 matter what u input, always outputs The Truth]...tells me):

Starting a new video podcast of requested Wikipedia articles read aloud/commented by me

I’m starting a new podcast, general nature of which is described in title of this post. If I don’t do the 1st tonight, then certainly, by tomorrow. I will not b using a platform, @ least not @ 1st, so I would’ve put the term podcast in quotes, except for 1 “thing”: Twitter! Seems to me, Twitter is the perfect free podcasting host, if u create a Twitter account specifically devoted to a “podcast”, so I’m just now deciding what I like about Twitter, u might say. So how this will work is if I haven’t received any requests, I’ll post based on my own algorithm. U can make ur requests or comments, here on my WP blog(, on the link I post to FB, (, on the Twitter account exclusively devoted to such ( (@wikipediaartic1), @ my YT channel (, my email ( or 1 other place, which I’ll get to fairly immediately. If I’ve not made such clear enough, I’d like to emphasize that: IN SOME WAYS THE TWITTER ACCOUNT IS EASILY THE MOST IMPORTANT OF THESE, SINCE IT WILL CONSIST EXCLUSIVELY OF LINKS TO POSTS OF THE PODCAST I’M CURRENTLY ANNOUNCING TO BE COMING SOON. After I get done posting it to YT, I’ll give it a listen, /see if I’ve any thoughts that didn’t make it into the video, which I’ll post on WP, then I’ll post the YT link/additional written comments on my PB works page ( because there I can easily create interlinks, /thus contribute to 1 of the great killer apps of the century, hyperlinks. I’ll alternate between going off on whatever link strikes my fancy, /sticking to 1 article. I’d just always go off on whatever link strikes my fancy, except, I’d just NEVER get back to the original article that way. Altho I’m told Podcasts don’t have to b @ a set interval, I will try to make this 1 b every 5 days, / as short as possible. I should tell u now, I will not start w/a stub. Any comments made will b read/commented on @ start of next cast. Which articles I read/comment on will b on a 1st come, 1st serve basis. I’ll b using a screen recorder that has a pause button, which I may use, for instance if I choose to edit an article. If I edit an article I will disclose such, / comment on why I so did. That’s all I can think of as intro.

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