Hello, my name is Aryan. I'm a Wikipedian who mainly reads and edits chemistry , radiological studies , things pertaining to radioactivity , nuclear waste , aviation and aeronautical engineering . I am the creator of the page Americium-241 . I read about but don't usually edit automotive engineering and the general sciences . I have a small inserest in astronomy . I am interested in all of the Elements but more so in the Actinides and Nonmetals . Americium is my favorite element and I have 7 samples of it; 6 of them are 241 Am from from smoke detectors and 1 of 243 Am from Isotope purchase. Most people and my friends know me as λmericium . I'm too lazy to make a userpage so here is my mess of userboxes be↓ow.
95 Am (243)
This user's favourite element is Americum .