Hello, I'm new to Wiki, I find its collaborative aspects intriguing. OK I'm not so new anymore but I still find it intriguing.
I just brought my personal website online http://www.memoryhole.com/
I will concentrate mostly in the areas of anarchism, libertarianism and economics because that is where my interests lie.
In the past I have worked on Carl Menger, Preterism and Jefferson Davis.
If you want to get in touch with me leave a note here.
Expand the entry for the Austrian School including Bios for all the major members, history of the Austrian school of thought and major contributions to economics as a whole.
Anarcho-capitalism needs LOTS of work. How can you have an article about AC without a single mention of Murray Rothbard? It's downright incomprehensible.
Libertarianism when I have the strength I'll tackle this one. Seems to be written by someone with a shallow understanding of the various nuances.
Jesus Christ I'd like to add more about the historical Jesus' life, maybe including a timeline. This is a whole article about Jesus Christ without a single mention of his prophesied Second Coming! How did that happen?
Christianity is a mess. Uh, the article not the religion :-P
Christian eschatology if a non-christian looked at this article right now I dare say he/she would be MORE confused about what Christians believe about 'the end of the world' than they were before.
Comic book is a complete mess! Someone please either fix it or put it out of its misery!