Old guy, west coast USA, interests in aviation, sailing/boating, reading, and listening to Bruce Springsteen, the Eagles, classical music and opera. Already a confirmed Gluckist(?), am well on my way to being an incorrigible Wagnerite. Former avionics marketeer, aircraft sales and demo pilot, avionics tech, and with other even more oddball items on my resume. FAA ATP Multiengine land, Comm'l SE land/sea/helicopter. FCC 1st Class Radiotelephone w/ship radar endorsement.

Core Beliefs:

Life is too short to read bad writing;
Literature classics are wasted on the young;
Life is too short to drink crappy beer;
In the air, keep the blue side up; on the water, keep the blue side down. Don't get these mixed up.
Being married to a German builds character.

EDIT: Yep. I have indeed become an incorrigible Wagnerite.

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