- Abbott State Forest
- Academy for Science and Design
- Agnew State Forest
- Akers Pond
- Allen State Forest
- Alton Bay State Forest
- Ames State Forest
- Amoskeag Falls
- Annett State Forest
- Apple Hill Center for Chamber Music
- Arrowhead Recreation Area
- Ashendon State Forest
- Atkinson and Gilmanton Academy Grant, New Hampshire
- Auburn, New Hampshire
- Back River (Powwow River tributary)
- Balloch, New Hampshire
- BankNH Pavilion
- Barrett Mountain
- Barrington, New Hampshire
- Baxter Lake (New Hampshire)
- Bean River
- Bear Brook (Suncook River tributary)
- Bear Island (Lake Winnipesaukee)
- Beards Brook
- Beckmans Island
- Beech River (New Hampshire)
- Belknap County, New Hampshire
- Belknap Mountain State Forest
- Bellamy River
- Bennington, New Hampshire
- Benton, New Hampshire
- Benton Fountain, Lancaster, New Hampshire
- Berlin Regional Airport
- Berrys River
- Big River (New Hampshire)
- Black Crescent Mountain
- Black Mountain State Forest
- Blodgett Landing, New Hampshire
- Blossom Hill and Calvary Cemeteries
- Blow-me-down Brook
- Broad Bay (New Hampshire)
- Brookfield, New Hampshire
- Browns River (New Hampshire)
- Bunker Creek (New Hampshire)
- Canaan, New Hampshire
- Canaan (CDP), New Hampshire
- Canaan Street Lake
- Candia Four Corners, New Hampshire (improve)
- Cardigan Mountain School
- Carr Mountain
- Carroll County Court House (New Hampshire)
- Cedar Pond (New Hampshire)
- Center Ossipee, New Hampshire
- Chandler Reservation
- Chester College of New England
- Chickwolnepy Stream
- Chocorua Island Chapel
- Claremont Municipal Airport
- Clear Stream
- Cobbetts Pond
- Coe-Brown Northwood Academy
- Cohas Brook
- Colebrook (CDP), New Hampshire - current photo is from town article
- Connecticut Lakes State Forest
- Conway Common Lands State Forest
- Conway granite
- Cooperative Alliance for Seacoast Transportation
- Corbin Park
- Cornish, New Hampshire
- Country Pond
- Craney Hill State Forest
- Crescent Range
- Crystal Lake (Enfield, New Hampshire)
- Crystal Lake (Manchester, New Hampshire)
- Cutt's Grant, New Hampshire
- Dalton, New Hampshire
- Dan Hole Pond
- Dan Hole River
- Daniel Webster Highway
- Daniel Webster Memorial (Franklin)
- Dartmouth–Lake Sunapee Region
- Dean Memorial Airport
- Deer Mountain Campground
- Devils Slide State Forest
- Dix's Grant, New Hampshire
- Dodge Brook State Forest
- Drakes River
- Dublin Christian Academy
- Dublin School
- Durham, New Hampshire (not Thompson Hall)
- East Branch Baker River
- East Branch Dead Diamond River
- East Branch Mohawk River (New Hampshire)
- East Fork East Branch Saco River
- East Rochester, New Hampshire
- Emily & Theodore Hope Forest
- Enfield (CDP), New Hampshire
- Epping, New Hampshire
- Erving's Location, New Hampshire
- Exeter (CDP), New Hampshire
- Exeter River
- Exeter War Memorial (Gale Park)
- General John Stark Memorial Bridge
- Gile State Forest
- Gilford, New Hampshire
- Gilford High School
- Gilmanton, New Hampshire
- Gilsum, New Hampshire
- Goffstown, New Hampshire
- Gorham Airport
- Gorham (CDP), New Hampshire
- Gorham High School (New Hampshire)
- Governors Island (Lake Winnipesaukee)
- Granite Gorge Ski Area
- Granite Reliable Wind Farm
- GraniteOne Health
- Great Bay Community College
- Great Bay National Wildlife Refuge
- Great Brook (Cold River tributary)
- Greenough Pond
- Gridley River
- Griswold Scout Reservation
- Gunstock River
- Hale's Location, New Hampshire
- Hampshire Country School
- Hampton (CDP), New Hampshire
- Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom
- Hampton Falls River
- Hampton River (New Hampshire)
- Hanover (CDP), New Hampshire
- Hawthorne-Feather Airpark
- Holderness, New Hampshire
- Holy Family Academy (New Hampshire)
- Hudson, New Hampshire
- Huntington Ravine
- Laconia Municipal Airport
- Lake Francis State Park
- Lake Kanasatka
- Lakes Region Community College
- Lakes Region Facility
- Lancaster (CDP), New Hampshire
- Landaff, New Hampshire
- Langdon, New Hampshire
- Langdon Meeting House
- Larcom Mountain
- Lebanon High School (New Hampshire)
- Lee USA Speedway
- Leede Arena
- Lees Mill, New Hampshire
- Lincoln (CDP), New Hampshire
- Lisbon (CDP), New Hampshire
- Little Dead Diamond River
- Little Magalloway River
- Little Massabesic Brook-Sucker Brook
- Little River (Brentwood, New Hampshire)
- Little River (Exeter, New Hampshire)
- Little River (Merrimack River tributary)
- Little River (Salmon Falls River tributary)
- Little Sugar River (New Hampshire)
- Little Sunapee Lake
- Lost River (New Hampshire)
- Lost River Reservation
- Lovell River
- Lovewell Mountain
- Lyman, New Hampshire
- Lyman Bridge (from below)
- Lyme, New Hampshire
- Lyme–East Thetford Bridge
- Mad River (Cold River tributary)
- Mahoosuc Range
- Mall at Fox Run
- Manchester Memorial High School
- Marlborough, New Hampshire
- Marlow, New Hampshire
- Marshfield Station
- Mascoma Lake
- Mascoma State Forest
- Mascoma Valley Regional High School
- McIndoes Reservoir
- McIntyre Ski Area
- Meadow Pond Dam
- Melvin River
- Melvin Village, New Hampshire
- Mendum's Pond
- Meredith (CDP), New Hampshire - current photo is from town article
- Middle Branch Dead Diamond River
- Middle Branch Little Magalloway River
- Middle Branch Mad River
- Middle Moriah Mountain
- Mill Brook (Swift River tributary)
- Miller State Park
- Milton (CDP), New Hampshire
- Milton Pond
- Mine Hill (New Hampshire)
- Minot-Sleeper Library
- Mirror Lake, New Hampshire
- Mirror Lake (Tuftonboro, New Hampshire)
- Mollidgewock Brook
- Monroe, New Hampshire
- Moose Brook (New Hampshire)
- Moultonborough, New Hampshire
- Moultonborough Academy
- Mount Agassiz (New Hampshire)
- Mount Avalon
- Mount Cabot
- Mount Cilley
- Mount Crescent
- Mount Davis (New Hampshire)
- Mount Field (New Hampshire)
- Mount Hight
- Mount Isolation
- Mount Kelsey
- Mount Mitten
- Mount Monroe - per comment from author of current photo
- Mount Royal Academy (New Hampshire)
- Mount Starr King (New Hampshire)
- Mount Success
- Mount Sunapee Resort
- Mount Washington Regional Airport
- Mount Waumbek
- Mount Weeks
- Mountain Lakes, New Hampshire
- Mountain View House
- Nash Stream
- Nash Stream Forest
- New Hampshire Army National Guard
- New Hampshire Marine Patrol
- New Hampshire Route 102
- New Hampshire Route 104
- New Hampshire Route 109
- New Hampshire Route 10A
- New Hampshire Route 110
- New Hampshire Route 111
- New Hampshire Route 114
- New Hampshire Route 115
- New Hampshire Route 116
- New Hampshire Route 117
- New Hampshire Route 118
- New Hampshire Route 119
- New Hampshire Route 120
- New Hampshire Route 121
- New Hampshire Route 124
- New Hampshire Route 125
- New Hampshire Route 126
- New Hampshire Route 128
- New Hampshire Route 130
- New Hampshire Route 132
- New Hampshire Route 135
- New Hampshire Route 137
- New Hampshire Route 149
- New Hampshire Route 151
- New Hampshire Route 171
- New Hampshire Route 202A
- New Hampshire Route 236
- New Hampshire Route 25A
- New Hampshire Route 25B
- New Hampshire Route 26
- New Hampshire Route 27
- New Hampshire Route 28
- New Hampshire Route 31
- New Hampshire Route 32
- New Hampshire Route 38
- New Hampshire Route 43
- New Hampshire Route 45
- New Hampshire Route 63
- New Hampshire Route 75
- New Hampshire Route 9
- New Hampshire Route 97
- New Hampshire Telephone Museum
- New Hampton (CDP), New Hampshire
- New Ipswich, New Hampshire
- New Ipswich Academy
- New Ipswich Mountain
- Newfound Regional High School
- Newington, New Hampshire
- Newton, New Hampshire
- Norris Cotton Cancer Center
- North Branch Upper Ammonoosuc River
- Northeast Pond
- Northern New Hampshire Correctional Facility
- Northfield, New Hampshire
- Northwood Lake
- Northwood Meadows State Park
- Notre Dame College (New Hampshire)
- Nubanusit Brook
- Paris, New Hampshire
- Parkland Medical Center
- Parlin Field
- Partridge Brook
- Pats Peak
- Paugus Bay
- Paul Wentworth House (47 Water St, Rollinsford)
- Pawtuckaway State Park
- Perry Stream
- Phillips Brook
- Piermont, New Hampshire
- Pike, New Hampshire
- Pilot Range (New Hampshire)
- Piscataquog River
- Pisgah State Park
- Plainfield (CDP), New Hampshire
- Plains Cemetery
- Polar Caves Park
- Poocham, New Hampshire
- Portsmouth Traffic Circle
- Pratt Mountain
- Proctor Wildlife Sanctuary
- Purgatory Brook
- Puritan Backroom
- Salem, New Hampshire
- Salem High School (New Hampshire)
- Sandown, New Hampshire
- Sant Bani School
- Scammon Farm Historic District
- Shedd Brook
- Shelburne, New Hampshire
- Shelburne Moriah Mountain
- Shepards River
- Simms Stream
- Skatutakee Mountain
- Skyhaven Airport (New Hampshire)
- Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests
- Somersworth, New Hampshire
- South Branch Israel River
- South Branch Little Dead Diamond River
- South Branch Mad River
- South Branch Souhegan River
- South Weeks
- Southern New Hampshire University
- Squam Lakes Natural Science Center
- St. Joseph Cemetery (Manchester, New Hampshire)
- St. Mary's Bank
- Stan Spirou Field House
- Star Speedway
- Stinson Lake
- Stinson Lake, New Hampshire
- Stocker Brook
- Strafford, New Hampshire
- Suissevale, New Hampshire
- Sullivan, New Hampshire
- Sullivan House (Manchester, New Hampshire)
- Sunapee, New Hampshire
- Sunken Forests of New Hampshire
- Sunset Lake (Lakes Region, New Hampshire)
- Swains Lake
- Swanzey, New Hampshire
- T. H. Cabot Cottage
- Taylor River (New Hampshire)
- Temple Mountain
- Tenney Mountain
- Tenney Mountain Ski Resort
- The Bulge
- The Derryfield School
- The Founders Academy
- The Meeting School
- The Sleepers (New Hampshire)
- The Walden School
- Thorndike Pond
- Three Mile Island (Lake Winnipesaukee)
- Thumb Mountain
- Trinity High School (Manchester, New Hampshire)
- Wadleigh State Park
- Warren H. Doane Diamond
- Watch Rock Camp
- Water Country
- Waterville Valley BBTS
- Wediko Children's Services
- Wentworth Location, New Hampshire
- Wentworth by the Sea
- West Branch Dead Diamond River
- West Branch Little Dead Diamond River
- West Branch Little Magalloway River
- West Branch Magalloway River
- West Branch Mohawk River (New Hampshire)
- West Branch Souhegan River
- West Branch Upper Ammonoosuc River
- Westmoreland, New Hampshire
- Weston Observatory (Manchester, New Hampshire)
- White Lake State Park
- White Mountain School (closed)
- White Mountains Region
- White and Seavey Islands
- Whitefield, New Hampshire
- Whitefield (CDP), New Hampshire
- Wild River Wilderness
- William Thomas State Forest
- Windsor Institute
- Winnicut River
- Winnisquam Regional High School
- Winslow State Park
- Woodsville High School