I predominantly write about Indonesia-related topics, usually involving local government/politicians or specific historical events from the Indonesian National Revolution and the Sukarno period. Also, I edit articles related to the Pokémon franchise.

Over 200 of my written articles have been featured in the Did you know? section of the Main Page. In 2023, articles I started were viewed 3.57 million times (0.003% of all English Wikipedia views). Around 30% of those views originated from the two most viewed articles: Pokémon Legends: Arceus and Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

Article count

Article topic Article count
Indonesian Officeholders 274
Places 56
Elections 50
Military 47
Things 39
Events 21
Non-officeholders 19
Foreign relations 13
Pokémon 11
Others 28
Total 558

Featured articles:

  1. Sjafruddin Prawiranegara
  2. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo

Good articles:

  1. Pokémon X and Y (improved and fixed)
  2. Pokémon Sun and Moon (improved and fixed)
  3. Johannes Latuharhary (created from scratch)
  4. Johannes Leimena (60x expansion from stub and fixed, nominated by Jeromi Mikhael)
  5. Sartono (created from scratch, nominated by The man from Gianyar)
  6. Burhanuddin Harahap (5x expansion)
  7. Jusuf Wibisono (created from scratch)
  8. Soekiman Wirjosandjojo (10x expansion and fixed)
  9. Surachman Tjokroadisurjo (created from scratch)
  10. Iskaq Tjokrohadisurjo (created from scratch)
  11. Martinus Putuhena (created from scratch)

Did you know entries:

For more detail, visit User:Juxlos/DYKs
  1. Bambang Soesatyo
  2. Sutopo Purwo Nugroho
  3. Munafri Arifuddin
  4. Palembang Light Rail Transit
  5. Sutarmidji
  6. Michael Bambang Hartono
  7. Cellica Nurrachadiana
  8. Karolin Margret Natasa
  9. Doom Island
  10. Oded Muhammad Danial
  11. Anne Ratna Mustika
  12. Ratna Ani Lestari
  13. Siti Qomariyah
  14. Budi Karya Sumadi
  15. Rage in Peace
  16. Din Minimi
  17. Yohana Yembise
  18. Meltan and Melmetal (since deleted)
  19. Rustriningsih
  20. Hanifan Yudani Kusumah
  21. Dimyati Natakusumah
  22. Melani Leimena Suharli
  23. Ichiki Tatsuo
  24. Soni Sumarsono
  25. Battle of Penfui
  26. Daan Jahja
  27. Agats
  28. Soediro
  29. Kingdom of Banggai
  30. Bambang Dwi Hartono
  31. Pokémon Go live events
  32. Ruhut Sitompul
  33. Soedarpo Sastrosatomo
  34. Shigetada Nishijima
  35. Salahuddin Wahid
  36. Tadashi Maeda (admiral)
  37. Tsunekazu Ishihara
  38. Tatsuo Nomura
  39. Satyawati Suleiman
  40. Battle of Semarang
  41. Bandung Sea of Fire
  42. Arswendo Atmowiloto
  43. Arudji Kartawinata
  44. Sartono
  45. Julius Tahija
  46. Phyllanthus balgooyi
  47. Johannes Latuharhary
  48. Tadjuddin Noor
  49. Christina Maria Rantetana
  50. Mohammad Tabrani
  51. Idham Azis
  52. Bambang Soegeng
  53. Pierre Mambele
  54. Let's Hunt Monsters
  55. Battle of Tjiater Pass
  56. Battle of Kalijati
  57. Anwar Tjokroaminoto
  58. Grave of Sukarno
  59. Battle of Leuwiliang
  60. Indonesia–Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
  61. Silas Papare
  62. Corona Rintawan
  63. Eddy Sabara
  64. Soedjono Hoemardani
  65. Indonesia–Japan Economic Partnership Agreement
  66. Johannes Leimena
  67. Embassy of China, Jakarta
  68. Chinese Consulate-General, Houston
  69. 5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel
  70. Asa Bafaqih
  71. Hardi (politician)
  72. Fatah Jasin
  73. Muljadi Djojomartono
  74. Saefullah
  75. Rusdy Mastura
  76. Pokémon Legends: Arceus
  77. Sungai Selan
  78. Iskaq Tjokrohadisurjo
  79. Roosseno Soerjohadikoesoemo
  80. Port of Krueng Geukueh
  81. Waeapo River
  82. Nova Iriansyah
  83. Atar, Padang Ganting
  84. Morowali Industrial Park
  85. Palembang Mayoral Office
  86. Abdullah Aidit
  87. Osa Maliki
  88. Sartono Kartodirdjo
  89. Sunarjo Kolopaking
  90. Samsi Sastrawidagda
  91. Satrio
  92. Muhammad Kaharuddin III
  93. Malang City Regional People's Representative Council
  94. Lukman Hakim
  95. Sjafruddin Prawiranegara
  96. Nadjamuddin Daeng Malewa
  97. Bidar Alam
  98. Soetardjo Kartohadikusumo
  99. Shyam Sunder Jyani
  100. Pokéfuta
  101. Surachman Tjokroadisurjo
  102. Jusuf Wibisono
  103. Banjaratma Heritage Rest Area
  104. Semuel Jusof Warouw
  105. Darmawan Mangunkusumo
  106. Goliath Tabuni
  107. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo
  108. Tandiono Manu
  109. Friedrich Silaban
  110. Martinus Putuhena
  111. Andi Sudirman Sulaiman
  112. Xiang Guangda
  113. Suardi Tasrif
  114. Abadi (newspaper)
  115. Ali Audah
  116. Hasan Gayo
  117. Satyagraha Hoerip
  118. Satya Graha (journalist)
  119. Suluh Indonesia
  120. Jusuf Muda Dalam
  121. Manai Sophiaan
  122. Burhanuddin Harahap
  123. Apa Jang Kau Tjari, Palupi?
  124. Financial crisis of 33
  125. Prawoto Mangkusasmito
  126. Oey Tiang Tjoei
  127. Margono Djojohadikusumo
  128. Tigor Silaban
  129. Antar Lintas Sumatera
  130. Naikilah Perusahaan Minang
  131. Bakmi GM
  132. Port of Tanjung Kalian
  133. Port of Tanjung Api-Api
  134. Syahrial Oesman
  135. NIMBY Rails
  136. Daily Star lettuce
  137. Rusli Zainal
  138. Annas Maamun
  139. Vasyl Hamianin
  140. Saleh Djasit
  141. Aspar Aswin
  142. Danny Setiawan
  143. Imam Munandar
  144. Soeripto
  145. Wan Abubakar
  146. Usman Ja'far
  147. Aang Kunaefi
  148. Arifin Achmad
  149. Ismail Suko
  150. Shigeru Ohmori
  151. Djoko Munandar
  152. Marlis Rahman
  153. Soekiman Wirjosandjojo
  154. Solihin G. P.
  155. Nana Nuriana
  156. Ipik Gandamana
  157. Herman Sarens Soediro
  158. Kaharuddin Datuk Rangkayo Basa
  159. Muchlis Ibrahim
  160. Zainal Bakar
  161. Cut Meutia (train)
  162. Dan McCrum
  163. Yogie Suardi Memet
  164. Kasman Singodimedjo
  165. Peni Suparto
  166. Agus Salim Rangkuti
  167. Rahudman Harahap
  168. Abdillah (Indonesian politician)
  169. Mardijo
  170. Muhammad Saleh Arifin
  171. Muhammad Rapsel Ali
  172. Bachtiar Djafar
  173. Soekotjo Sastrodinoto
  174. Ali Mufiz
  175. Radjamin Nasution
  176. Soeparno (mayor)
  177. Anggara Wicitra Sastroamidjojo
  178. Moerachman
  179. Satrio Sastrodiredjo
  180. Indonesia–Korea Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
  181. Soewardi
  182. Muhammad Ismail
  183. Moenadi
  184. Sjoerkani
  185. Whisnu Sakti Buana
  186. Soepardjo Rustam
  187. Indonesian used train import controversy
  188. Adi Winarso
  189. Mardani Ali Sera
  190. Ferrial Sofyan
  191. I Gede Pasek Suardika
  192. Habiburokhman
  193. Ikmal Jaya
  194. Kamrussamad
  195. Ade Surapriatna
  196. Said Iqbal
  197. Eriko Sotarduga
  198. Ridho Rahmadi
  199. Arsjad Rasjid
  200. Himmatul Aliyah
  201. Monster Hunter Now
  202. Premana Premadi
  203. Ganjar Pranowo 2024 presidential campaign
  204. Bandung City Regional House of Representatives
  205. Surabaya City Regional House of Representatives
  206. Medan City Regional House of Representatives
  207. Djanius Djamin
  208. Gembong Warsono
  209. Palembang City Regional House of Representatives
  210. Semarang City Regional House of Representatives
  211. William Aditya Sarana
  212. Ahmad Nasuhi
  213. Komeng
  214. Thoriqul Haq
  215. KOKO Networks
  216. 2005–2014 Indonesian local elections
  217. Dadang Supriatna
  218. Rahmad Mas'ud
  219. Dedie Rachim
  220. Marcus Jacob Papilaja
  221. Sanusi (politician)
  222. I Gusti Ngurah Jaya Negara
  223. Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu
  224. Bali Regional House of Representatives
  225. Chris Tanasale
  226. Tatto Suwarto Pamuji
  227. Jamaludin Malik (legislator)
  228. Pulp and paper industry in Indonesia
  229. Hasan Ali (activist)
  230. Tea production in Indonesia
  231. Tin mining in Indonesia

In the news entries:

  1. August 2018 Lombok earthquake (6 August 2018)
  2. 2018 Sunda Strait tsunami (23 December 2018)
  3. 2019 South Sulawesi floods (26 January 2019)
  4. 2019 Indonesian general election (21 May 2019)
  5. Ani Yudhoyono (1 June 2019)
  6. Arswendo Atmowiloto (20 July 2019)
  7. Mikhail Mishustin (19 January 2020)
  8. Salahuddin Wahid (3 February 2020)
  9. 2020 Italy coronavirus lockdown (10 March 2020)
  10. Siegfried & Roy (10 May 2020)
  11. Jakob Oetama (10 September 2020)
  12. Saefullah (17 September 2020)
  13. Sriwijaya Air Flight 182 (9 January 2021)
  14. Rachmawati Sukarnoputri (3 July 2021)
  15. Oded Muhammad Danial (10 December 2021)
  16. Abraham Lunggana (14 December 2021)
  17. Ahmad Syafi'i Maarif (2 June 2022)
  18. Muhammad Rapsel Ali (9 April 2023)
  19. Muhammad Taufik (3 May 2023)

Depths of Wikipedia features:

  1. Liz Truss lettuce ([1])
  2. Pokéfuta ([2])
  3. Komeng ([3])


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