RSPB Old Moor is a 250 acre wetlands nature reserve in Barnsley, England run by the RSPB. It lies on the junction of the north/south and east/west routes of the Trans Pennine Trail. The centre was opened by Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council in 1998 as part of the regeneration of the Dearne Valley and then developed further with the help of a lottery grant in 2002.[1] The RSPB took over management of the site in 2003 and developed the site further with funding from various sources including the Heritage Lottery Fund, Yorkshire Forward and WREN. The area around RSPB Old Moor contains several other wildlife areas including Wombwell Ings and Gypsy Marsh, (which are also managed by the RSPB), Broomhill Flash and Doveside Nature Reserve. Read more...
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