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Computer related articles tend to have incorrect links. Often, a contributor will wikify the short form of a company, product name, etc. and end up with a link to an article that is not the one they intended. The following list contains subjects where I have found frequent incorrect links:
- Adobe (links) instead of Adobe Systems.
- Apache (links) instead of Apache HTTP Server.
- Apple (links) instead of Apple Inc..
- C (links) instead of C (programming language).
- C# (links) instead of C Sharp (programming language).
- Eclipse (links) instead of Eclipse (software).
- Fedora (links) instead of Fedora (disambiguation).
- Java (links) instead of Java (programming language).
- Lisp (links) instead of Lisp (programming language).
- Opera (links) instead of Opera (web browser).
- Oracle (links) instead of Oracle database.
- Pascal (links) instead of Pascal (programming language).
- Python (links) instead of Python (programming language).
- Ruby (links) instead of Ruby (programming language).
- Safari (links) instead of Safari (web browser).
- Sun (links) instead of Sun Microsystems.