Hi there, Wikipedia users! I discovered Wikipedia the last week of November 2002 when it was mentioned in the September 15, 2002 issue of Booklist Magazine.

Wikipedia needs more librarians!

As I've enjoyed and contributed to Wikipedia during the past year and a half, one question has been nagging me. Where are all the librarians? There's a wide variety of Wikipedians, but there are only a few professional librarians that are writing library-related articles and helping organize the links and subjects, which is a librarian's specialty.

Is it because Wikipedia appears to fail every test for a reputable, authoritative web site that we learned in library school? Well, here is your chance to contribute to a huge file of answers to reference stumpers! Here is your chance to use your knowledge of how information is organized to organize a web site! People who can't get to a library are using Wikipedia and its mirror sites to get information, so here is your chance to teach Internet users around the world how to search and then evaluate what they find -- in a library and on the Internet! I say, "If you can't beat Wikipedia, join it!"

My "Wiki Work"

I contributed at least a paragraph to these Wikipedia pages under the names GUllman or


I have a Masters in Library Science and worked as a librarian at a public library for over ten years:


I have a B.A. in Geography and have lived in the Los Angeles (California) area my whole life.


I took a lot of science and math in college as an Astronomy major, even though I didn't complete the degree.


Like a lot of Americans, I grew up in front of the television.

In the future, I'd like to contribute to pages on:

  • Almanac
  • Catalog
  • Cities in the Los Angeles area
  • Cities of the U.S.
  • Counties of California
  • Counties of the U.S.
  • Fritz B. Burns
  • Mountain Monogram
  • Performing arts
  • Physical geography
  • Television shows
  • Librarianship (young adult literature, etc)

I also spend time reverting vandals and correcting spelling and grammar to articles on My Watchlist and random articles.

GUllman April 11, 2007

Late news: I'm #137 on the list of Wikipedians by number of edits (July 2003)!

Later news: Now, I'm #760 on the list of Wikipedians by number of edits (November 2004). (So what? Is this a race?)

Latest news: Now, I'm #1,838 on the list of Wikipedians_by_number_of_edits (December 2005) in the main space, and #1,970 in all namespaces. (Still on the list!)

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This user is a Vigil Honor member of the Order of the Arrow whose name is Allanque Nosapowatamen, which means Star Gazer.
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